Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I think at times as we study through the Old Testament events, we overlook God's mercy and grace at work. For example, when Joshua and the Israelites invaded the land, every Canaanite that sought God's mercy received it and escaped God's judgment whether it was a single woman like Rahab or an entire city like the Gibeonites. The sad thing is that so few came to Him. They had forty years. As Paul tells us, He deals with the nations of the world that men groping in the dark might seek Him and be found. Rahab said the entire land knew they were doomed and couldn't defeat Israel; yet, they trusted in their gods and their walls--only a very few sought His mercy. Only a few like Rahab said, "The Lord, your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath." And she and her family were recipients of His mercy and His grace.
By the way, why did the Lord have Joshua send spies into Jericho? Did he really need to know the weaknesses of the city and its defenses? The Lord was going to knock down the walls! No, I have no doubt that the reason God had the spies go into Jericho was because He was seeking His Rahab--a woman living in a culture that God said was so wicked they couldn't get any more wicked--"their iniquity was full"--desired to become His follower. So much so, that she was willing to risk her life to help His people. "Seek and you will find." "He is not far from each one of us." The only way for God to find this believing young woman was to send someone to her. So, of course, He did. Sent two. How greatly did God rejoice in her seeking and believing faith? You know. She is in the lineage of the King--one of our Savior's distant grandmothers. And do you know the rest of the story, the rest of the lavish grace God bestowed on her family? She had a son; his name was Boaz, married some gal named Ruth--another Gentile seeker, the great-grandmother of some kid named David.
"Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who believe; you who are longing to see His face, will you this moment His grace receive? Grace, grace, God's grace."

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