Friday, July 5, 2013


I love the Old Testament prophets thundering through Israel "Thus says the Lord!" God's mouthpieces, empowered with His authority, they brought the words of God, His witness, His testimony. It could always be relied on. If God said it, it was settled and sure, whether you believed it or not.
My father's favorite verses are found in I John 5: "If we received the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater . . . He that has the Son has the life; and he that does not have the Son of God does not have the life . . . These things I have written to you that you may know that you have eternal life." There is no chance of disappointment by trusting in the testimony of God--"you may know."
It is to the Word, then, that we should go for insight, guidance, and counsel. The testimony of the Lord should be our counselor for it will provide light and understanding whatever decision is to be made. Certainly, it is the Word that the Holy Spirit uses to "guide us into all truth." Those who come to God's reliable testimony give evidence that they are in need of help and unwilling to trust in their own puny wisdom to reach decisions that are sound and wise and right. Only a fool can become wise--and then only a fool who recognizes what he is. It is the Scripture that provides "instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for all good works." If only we as Christians would not only verbally acknowledge the reliability of the testimony of the Lord, but live as if we believe it--trusting fully "Thus says the Lord" as the only sure way to make wise decisions that will glorify Him. How bizarre that we call Him the truth and then don't believe Him!

No decision is too big or too small in the eyes of the Lord. All decisions are beyond the wisdom and discernment of the simple. Only a simple man can be made wise. We need enough discernment to recognize our lack of it apart from His provision, the Word of God taught by the Holy Spirit of God. "Thy testimonies are wonderful, therefore, does my soul keep them. The entrance of Thy words are light; it gives understanding to the simple."

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