Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Pursuit of Life

Spend your life pursuing happiness, all you'll get is the frustration, the lack of fulfillment, that comes from the temporary quality of all things earthy.
Spend your life pursuing the applause of men, all you'll get is the increasing pressure to do wonders again and again--bigger and better.
Spend your life pursuing personal freedom: "I'll do what I please, when I please, how I please"--all you'll get is a life wrapped up in the ball and chain of sin.
The pursuit of life always ends up in the same place: everyone dies. You can't "catch" life. You must receive the gift of life through confession of sin and through faith in the One who is "the way, the truth, and the life.": For those who do that, life never ends. The "best" is always yet to come--an inheritance that is undefiled, incorruptible, and will never fade away.

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