Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We often struggle with the desire to be respected. We feel slighted when the respect we think we deserve is not forthcoming. Jesus had no such misgivings. And as God, He may have deserved a little respect from mankind, you think? Yet, He was called a liar, accused of being demon possessed, sneered at as being out of His right mind--crazy, and labeled a party animal and a friend of sinners. Talk about no R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!
His response? He lived a life full of grace and truth. He kept on telling them the truth and how important it was for their eternal destiny to believe it. He kept on casting out demons, explaining to those accusing Him that they were the ones who were sons of their father, the Devil. He kept on telling them that they were absolutely right; He spent His time with sinners. They knew what He had to offer and embraced the forgiveness He gladly gave them as their friend. He kept on lovingly accepting people where they were spiritually without in any way soft pedaling their spiritual condition and needs. And as the final show of disrespect, He didn't say a word in self-defense. He just kept doing what He was called to do. The only well-done that mattered was His Father's. So, He kept His Father's Word. He kept on doing what He knew was right. That alone mattered--not what men might think of Him.
Now, I'm not saying that if you have somehow gained man's respect, there's something wrong with you, and you should run out and do something stupid to be sure you lose their respect. What I am saying is that you don't need it to perform the task God has called you to do. You must not worry or fret over not getting the respect "that you deserve," and thereby allow the "slight" to keep you from your task. Man's respect is not essential. If it gets in the way of your doing what God wants you to do, find another way to get it accomplished. And we must not let the fear of losing man's respect keep us from doing what we know is God's desire for our lives and what we know is right because of the commandments in His Word. We must simply walk on in obedience to God's Word, and through the power of the Holy Spirit do the task He has called us to do. Nothing else matters. If we are wrapped up in gaining man's approval and the respect we deserve, our heart's treasure is not on heavenly things but on the things of earth. Man's opinion of me has no impact on who I am in Christ, and if I think it does, I'll live a pretty miserable life.

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