Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Lifetime

It takes time to become like Christ. It takes a lifetime. And you must begin where you are, not where you would like to be. And you must remember that Christian growth is seasonal. There are times in our life when God is feeding us and watering us, preparing us for the circumstances that will spark the growth necessary for us to bear more fruit--become more like Him. In fact, it may be that those "down" times are the most critical in our growth toward maturity. We must stay in the Word, continue to fellowship with those who are our encouragement, spend time in prayer both personal and intercessory. We mustn't try to manufacture our own fruit through Christian busyness, but rest in continued obedience. Too often we sense "stagnancy" when that is not what's going on. He is just strengthening our inner man for the conflict that's coming, the challenge to our faith that is designed to make us dependent on the Spirit's power so that relying on Him, we will be transformed and bear much fruit. Like the "tree planted by streams of water," we must remain steadfast in the refreshing "streams" of Bible study, prayer, and assembling together so that we can bear fruit in its season. Rooted and grounded in Him, He will cause us to grow to be more and more like Him--until the day we see Him and become eternally like Him.

"Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."

"This is the work of God, to believe on Him whom He has sent."

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