Monday, April 7, 2014


We often forget that we are at war. And as Paul tells us, we are not at war with flesh and blood but with angelic powers of supernatural strength. Job was a battleground for that war simply because he lived a righteous life and desired the same for his family. Behind the storm and behind the raiding nomads were spiritual forces of evil. Daniel was a battleground because he got down on his knees and prayed to God. And for him there was no visible evidence that the war was on. Elisha was a battleground because he spoke God's truth and saved the king from his enemies. He woke up one morning and saw an entire army surrounding the town where he was staying. Yes, we are involved in a great spiritual warfare in the heavenlies. The choices we make affect that battle. We must each day put on the whole armor of God with prayer.
And what can we expect in the battle? Certainly, we are no match for the enemy, are we? Yet, Job's patient, steadfast faith and humble worship reversed all that the enemy had tried to do. God doubled his earthly blessings and gave him more children to train up in the way that they should go. (God didn't double his children on earth because Job already had one family waiting for him in Paradise.) Daniel's persistent prayer was answered--not right away, but it was answered. He was given the wisdom and insight that he sought. The earthly king of Aram who came after Elisha--he sent his entire army to catch one man--ended up with his entire army being "caught" by the one man. Elisha knew that he had a great invisible army protecting him in the heat of the battle.
Do you get the picture? John puts it this way: "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." Elisha put it this way: "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." We do not fight alone. We do not fight from an inferior position. We fight surrounded by heavenly hosts who are on our side. Our God is the Lord of Hosts. We fight empowered with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit--God Himself--and all the spiritual weapons He provides us. We pray and angels are sent by God to answer those prayers because He esteems the man or woman who casts all his cares on Him and trembles not at the roaring of the lion. All the invisible forces sent against us don't have a chance. They can never sever us from the invincible love of God that makes us more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

"Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them>'

"Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."

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