Friday, April 25, 2014

A Song in the Night

I am a light sleeper. Often I wake up in the middle of the night or early morning for some reason other than the cat sticking her face in mine. I find it a good time to think and meditate. The stars--on a clear night--are visible through the windows. Some nights the moon shines in. "The heavens are declaring the glory of God." Usually, once I wake up, I'm up. That's why, once in awhile, you get a 4 AM post. Why aren't you up? Or once this week you got about a zillion posts before I went to school. I received a two hour lesson. Lots to pass on--to commit to the faithful. God likes to speak in the stillness of the night. No distractions.
I love Psalm 77, starting, especially, around verse four: "Thou hast held my eyelids open, I am so troubled that I cannot speak. I have considered the days of old, the years of long ago. I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart; and my spirit searched." In the quiet of the night, He opens my eyes--both the physical ones and the spiritual ones. As He closes my mouth so that I can be still and listen, He has much to tell me. The past, He reminds me, is His. Time, He reminds me, has proven that the troubling yesterdays were merely His hand at work to produce the loveliness of my todays and the hopes for my tomorrows. He has been faithful through the worst of times. (Did I actually say "merely.") And then He fills my mind with a song, my heart with the promises and lessons of His Word, and my spirit with a longing to search for Him and ponder His altogether loveliness.

"Will the Lord reject forever? And will He never be favorable again?" No, He is always the faithful God even in my unfaithfulness.

"Has His lovingkindness ceased forever?" No, He is moment by moment the God who is love. Eternally.

"Has His promise come to an end forever?" No, His Word is sure. He is the God who never lies. His promise is an eternal promise--a rock to stand on in the fiercest storms.

"Has God forgotten to be gracious?" No, His grace is sufficient, made perfect in weakness. "Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt." "Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who believe."

"Has He in anger withdrawn His compassion?" No, His mercies are new every morning; great is His faithfulness. Always He looks and is moved with compassion.

"Then I said, 'It is my infirmity, that the right hand of the Most High has changed.' " The problem is always my lack of faith--He changes not. Faithful. Loving. True. Gracious. Compassionate. He whispers to my soul, "I Am the Lord; I change not." Sovereign. Omnipotent. Holy. Love. My Father and my Savior.

"I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart; And my spirit will search" And if I will search for Him with all my heart--He will find me.

"Be still, and know that I Am God."

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