the Christian matures, he becomes less and less at home in the world;
its attractions seem less and less desirable; its activity breaks his
A simple character test: Finishing strong.
The important issue is not the suffering, but the faithfulness of our life and testimony in the midst of the suffering.
Diligence: Being obedient in the place where God has called you because you know that He has called you to this place.
Nothing should be more attractive to the child of God than spending time alone with Him in the Word and in prayer.
This prayer should begin and end each day: "Lord, be merciful to me a sinner."
practice that set Joseph apart as a man of God was that he had a deep
sense of the presence of God in his daily walk--no matter the
The only way to be one who "loves His appearing" is to live a life of obedience.
I can
tell when I'm being merely religious and not serving Christ. I try to
draw all the attention to myself. Subtly deadly to act like a servant in
order to gain the praise of men. And who is more enslaved than the one
who thrives on man's approval?
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