Friday, August 16, 2013

"But have not love"

I Corinthians 13:1-3 Teacher's version

If I excel at communicating my subject matter, if my speech skills are unrivaled, my ability to make things perfectly understandable dynamic, but my students don't know that I love them, they will leave class thinking, "He sounds just like a cymbal solo. I can't stand to listen to him. He just makes a lot of irritating noise."
If I know everything there is to know about my subject matter, if I am a scholar's scholar, the genius of all geniuses, but my students don't know that I love them, my knowledge is worthless.
If I willingly sacrifice everything in order to be able to teach--time, energy, even my resources--but my students don't know that I love them, there will be no "well-done" from the Master Teacher.

Do I need to hone my skills as a speaker--communicator? Do I need to be constantly improving my ability to explain my subject matter more effectively? Absolutely!!
Do I need to be a life-long learner, an expert in my field? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Do I need to be willing to make personal sacrifices in order to fulfill my calling to teach? Without a doubt.

But if my classroom is not immersed in the tangible love of God, I am a worthless, useless teacher. To be unloving is the sign of a heart filled with depraved indifference to everyone but myself. It is the most irrational form of idolatry. I must constantly lie to myself in order to practice it. Are there any sadder words than "but have not love"?

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