Monday, August 12, 2013


A reminder:
The Bible has a lot to say about time. And though there is a time for everything under the sun, the Bible is also clear that we don't get a whole lot of it. Life--time--is compared to a soap bubble, a puff of wind, a breath. It is a fleeting and temporal--fragile--possession. David tells us that if we have our three score and ten, we've had our share--though He may grant us more. (Mom got 29 more!) And Jesus told us that all the concentration, effort, and manipulation we can imagine to use will not enable us to add one step to our life. God has numbered our days--and soberly, Paul warns us that some believers by living lives of continual, deliberate disobedience have had their time shortened, their days reduced. Yes, God has numbered our days, and we don't get an announcement telling us when the bubble will burst, when the puff of wind will die away, when the last breath will become a vapor.
What should be our response? Redeem the time! It's a precious gift! Don't take a moment of it for granted. Whatever God has called you to do, whatever gifts and talents He has graciously given you, pursue excellence. Do the most "mundane" things--even eating and drinking--in such a manner that the glory of His presence will be seen. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Enjoy the good things He has lovingly given you to enjoy. Resist the evil that is in the world. Tell--no--show those you love how deeply you care for them, how rich is the time God has given you to share with them. There is no time to waste. Not a second.
For, in a very real sense--as I remind you often--we all actually have the same amount of time--today. Yesterday is gone--joys and heartaches, triumphs and failures. You can't go and live there. Tomorrow is not here and may never come. You can't go and live there. This is it. Today is your life, your time. And you are promised all the grace and strength you need to redeem it--to live your day as He would live it.
Not a Christian? When you stand before God--and you will--you will not be able to say, "I was considering whether I should believe in you, accept your forgiveness, but I ran out of time." He knows better.

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