Saturday, August 3, 2013



Peace knows there is a battle but is unafraid.
Peace brings overwhelming stillness in the fiercest storm.
Peace is unmoved by the earthquakes of life; peace is unshakeable.
Peace leaves a footprint wherever it has been.
Peace weeps at strife between lovers, between those called to be children of God, called to be peacemakers on the earth.
Peace is full of good cheer.
Peace fights its battles with weapons of love and joy.
Peace whispers, "Forgive, as Christ forgave you."
Peace guards the heart so that one can love right.
Peace guards the mind so that one can think right.
Peace is the foundation for contentment and the impetus for confident faith.
Peace knows that it battles not against flesh and blood but against invisible forces of evil at work in the world.
Peace knows that he no longer resides in the camp of the enemy but has been reconciled and resides now--and forever--as a captive in the kingdom of the Beloved, of the Dear Son.
Peace knows that death is powerless to harm--a wasp without its sting.
Peace knows that when the battle is over a place of eternal rest has been prepared for him--in his Father's house.
Peace, each day, prayerfully puts on the whole armor of God.
Peace knows that in a garden, with every need and want supplied, surrounded by the tamest animals on earth, one can be caught off guard by the enemy. But peace knows that in the wilderness, surrounded by wild animals, physically drained and exhausted, the enemy can be resisted--and he will flee. And peace knows that it is adherence to and the faithful wielding of the Sword of the Spirit--the Word of God--that brings the victory--wherever he may be.
Peace reigns in an untroubled heart.
Peace never loses sight of its Prince--its Captain.
Peace eagerly and joyfully anticipates the final victory. His daily prayer, "Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

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