Patience has no timetable. "Hurry" is not in its dictionary. Neither is "now" or "when."
Patience listens--again and again.
Patience speaks with a gentle touch of empathy and love.
Patience is not judgmental.
Patience never says, "I told you so."
Patience never issues demands; it prints no ultimatums.
Patience accepts that the fault may be its own.
Patience is not afraid to be taken advantage of--again and again. By the same person.
Patience emanates love and joy and peace.
Patience never goes into hiding.
Patience always responds with a soft answer.
Patience is not concerned with its reputation.
Patience gives God all the room He needs to accomplish His purpose, His way, in His time.
Patience, though it longs for Home, never dishonors its responsibility
as His ambassador. The "recall" is left in the hands of the King.
Patience endures pain and heartache and disappointment. They are part
of the "calling." They are the source of dependence, a call to embrace
weakness, the only road to strength.
Patience knows it is the doorway to true repentance.
Patience is in love with grace.
Patience is.
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