Saturday, August 10, 2013


There is a simple reason why men mock the Creation, the historical "first coming" of Jesus Christ, and the prophetic second coming of the King of Kings. The last thing they want to acknowledge is that God is in control. Heaven forbid. But He is. The Creator God who began history, the Redeeming God who stepped into history, and the Righteous God who will judge evil and unrepentant men while redeeming His people and His creation are one and the same. There is nothing man fears more--and so mocks so vigorously. "Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed: 'Let us tear their fetters apart, and cast away their cords from us!' He who sits enthroned in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them."
The key to understanding history is the fact of sin. Who can look at history, as "far back" as yesterday, and not see man as he is: a sinner instinctively, deliberately, arrogantly. Socialist or capitalist, atheist or religious, conservative or liberal, civilized or savage, intellectual or ignorant, his words and actions undeniably declare one thing--man is a sinner. In fact, some, if not most, of the "great" heroes of human history and some of the greatest "cultures" in human history are "real life" definitions of wickedness and depravity.
But thankfully there is a history of redemption as well. From the promised seed of Eve, through Abel, Noah, Abraham, Israel, David, the prophets, our Lord's incarnation, sacrificial death and ascension, through the living stones of His church, God has been seeking sinners, offering them forgiveness, a sure hope, an escape from condemnation, an eternity immersed in His love. Eternal, infinite grace is available to any sinner who will repent, confess, believe, trust in the redemption made available to all through God's Son, Jesus Christ. It is freely offered. And no finite sinner can out sin the infinite grace of God. The offered forgiveness is complete and secure. It rests in His hands, His control.
Yes, deny it all you want, there will be an end, and God will bring it about. Nothing man can devise will stop its coming. No amount of mockery will delay its coming. And no amount of arrogance or hatred or rebellion will keep "every knee from bowing and confessing that He is Lord." He is the Author and Finisher of history.
History. God is in control. Is. Was. Will be. Not His child? "Today is the day of salvation." All your mockery and rebellion He will delightfully and lovingly and eternally forgive. His beloved child? Be steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Be watching with your lives for His promised return. Beware of the Scripture twisters who would lead you away from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus.

"He is coming again! He is coming again. In power and great glory, He is coming again!"

"Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

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