Friday, January 30, 2015

Honest Prayer

There are people in this world that I love so deeply and fully that it is impossible to adequately express that love. For a few their relationship with my--and their--Savior's love breaks my heart. I have prayed many a wordless prayer of only tears on their behalf. And will continue to do so. Yet the Savior--as He weeps with me--always reminds me that I need not worry. His love is a greater love than mine. And His glory is a greater necessity than anything I could desire.

 To be dishonest when I pray to Him about my needs and concerns is to reject His plea to "cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you." And to doubt that He cares is to give a voice to the roaring lion.

 Sometimes I think, "I had a small answer to prayer today." How "small" is it I wonder to have a God who even listens to what I say, let alone lovingly responds? I experienced a miracle today.

 Why do we feel embarrassed at times to ask others for prayer? We should feel embarrassed when we don't ask. Pride doesn't produce too many answers to prayer.

Simple Things

I met Jesus today:

A friendly smile and "good morning."
A thank you for a small thing that probably didn't even merit a "thank you."
An opportunity given to me to help someone else in the smallest of ways
A touch on the arm that said "I'm glad you're here. Reachable."
A note that said "you are loved."
A word of encouragement.
An unexpected gift

It always causes me to reflect at the end of each day--how many opportunities did I miss this day to touch someone's life for Jesus? And now the day is gone. But, ah, tomorrow . . .


We miss an awful lot of blessing each day because we forget a simple truth: The omnipresent, Creator God who rules and "inhabits" the universe--and beyond--is in the details of our everyday lives. Are you looking for Him there? The smallest details of your life and mine are orchestrated by His hand of love and wisdom. You did not have one coincidence today.

And I do mean "orchestrated." Did you spend your day and miss the music--miss the symphony He played for you? "Life is a symphony . . ."

Monday, January 26, 2015

He Is

In your earthquakes He is your Rock.
In your storms He is your Strong Tower.
In your battles He is your Captain and your Shield.
In your straying He is your Pursuing Shepherd.
In your faithlessness He is your Constant Companion.
In your sorrow He is your Comfort.
In your darkness He is your Light.
In your need He is your Jehovah-Jireh.
In your sadness He is your Laughter.
In your confusion He is your Peace.
In your weariness He is your Rest.
In your labor He is your Strength.
In your worry He is your Joy.
In your journey He is your Guide.
In your emptiness He is your Satisfaction.
In your guilt He is your Mercy.
In your inadequacies He is your Grace.
In your doubts He is your Truth.
In your loneliness He is your Friend.
In your poverty He is your Wealth.
In your fear He is your Covering Wings.
In your falls He is your Everlasting Arms.
In your death He is your Resurrection and your Eternal Life.

He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him through a life of obedient faith.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Choosing a Master

Everyone has a master. And there are only two to choose from. And the person who thinks that he's the master of his own life has been maliciously, and incredibly deceived by the wrong master.

The question is who do you want for a master? Whom will you serve?

Do you want to serve the master that is a liar, a deceiver, and a murderer from the beginning? And guess who's on his "hit list"? Or do you want to serve the Master who is the Truth and the giver of eternal life.
Do you want to serve the master who tempts you into believing that the temporal can fully satisfy leaving you with an appetite for emptiness--that will fill you up, you think? Or do you want to serve the Master who says that if you choose to follow Him, your treasures will never fade nor rust nor lose their value nor be lost. He is the Master who promises that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be eternally full--eternally satisfied. Beyond appetite.
Do you want to serve the master who deceives you into thinking that your evil is good thus deepening your darkness and compounding your judgment? Or do you want to serve the Master who promises that, as you walk in the Light as He is in the Light, all things will work together for your good? He is the Master that promises that even if men do evil against you, He will turn it into good.
Do you want to serve the master whose goal is for you to spend eternity in a place of torment that was prepared for him and his angels--not for you? Or do you want to serve the Master who has promised, "I'm preparing a place for you, a room in My Father's house, so that where I am, you will be also--for all of everlasting. And He promises to come and get you when it's time for your home-going--to guarantee the "trip" is secure and free of fear.
Do you want to serve the master who uses guilt to stain your memories of yesterday and fear to stain your imaginations of tomorrow? Or do you want to serve the Master who says that all your yesterdays He is immersing in His goodness and mercy and all your tomorrows will be filled with His presence. He is the Master who promises that yesterdays tears will be eternal rejoicings. He is the Master who IS your Shepherd every moment of every day--the Master of green pastures, still waters, restored souls, filled banquet tables, overflowing cups of blessing, a rod and staff of comfort. He is the Master that promises that His mercies are new every morning. Yes, every morning. New.
Do you want to serve the master who seduces you to, in the name of self-love and freedom, callously and deliberately hurt all those who love you the most, those whom God put into your life that you might love them unconditionally? And, oh, how he loves then to fill your heart with the fear that "the other shoe is going to drop," that "it's payday someday," that you "will reap what you sow." Or do you want to serve the Master who so overwhelming spreads His love in your heart that you spontaneously love all those He has brought into your life--no matter what they do? And, oh, how He loves to fill your heart with tenderness, kindness, and an eagerness to forgive as you have been forgiven.
Do you want to serve the master who has absolutely no love for you--in fact he hates you; the master who has no concern for your well-being now or eternally; the master who twists you into doing his evil work to the detriment of others--and yourself--knowing personally that no rebellion against God has ever succeeded? Or do you want to serve the Master who loves you even when you are being an unfaithful servant; the Master who promises to give you all the strength you need each and every day to do His work of love; the Master who promises you that when you rely on His strength, allow Him to yoke yourself to His power, He will give you an eternal "Well-done" for having done so? Yes, He promises to empower you and then thank you for using His power to be a faithful servant. To reward you for it! And He is the Master whose service is rest.

One master promises you freedom and enslaves you in his chains.

One Master calls you to be a bond-servant and then you find yourself set free.

No man can serve two masters.

Choose you this day whom you will serve.

The Righteous Man

The Righteous Man:
"Do not fret because of evil doers. Be not envious toward wrong doers. For they will wither quickly like the grass, and fade like the green herbs." No man no matter his earthly power can thwart the plan of God to do good for His people. The most magnificent pile of earthly treasure has an eternal value of zero. Do not fret or envy."If God be for us, who can be against us?" If He is your Savior and Lord, you are the richest person on the earth.
"Trust in the Lord and do good." It is easy to tell how much a man or woman truly trusts God--do they live a life committed to doing good for others or getting "good" for themselves? Trust and obey.
"Feed off the faithfulness of God." Whose ability to meet your needs are you relying on? Regardless of your circumstances are you content? "O taste and see that the Lord is good."
"Delight yourself in the Lord." Is your only priority to please Him? "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice."
"Commit your way to the Lord." Are you more concerned with what you believe He should be doing for you or are you more concerned with what you should be doing for Him? Do you follow Him? Or do you expect Him to follow you wherever you decide to go? "Though none go with me, still I must follow. No turning back; no turning back."
"Be still in the Lord and wait longingly for Him." Rest. Patiently. Do you believe that God's best is worth waiting for? "They that wait upon the Lord shall find their strength renewed."

The righteous: A life of faith, trust, obedience, a hunger for righteousness, delight, commitment, stillness, and longing. "Trust also in Him and He will do it."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Do the right thing today in word and deed. Obedience is "I love You."
Do the right thing today in the right way. Let all your words and deeds be full of grace and truth.
Do the right thing today in the right way and for the right reason. "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" He intends for your most "mundane" activities to be full of His glory--resonating His presence and your love for Him who is your Savior--full of grace and truth.

"This is the day"

 The will of God for you today: "Admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all men. See that no man repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all men. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.."

 Enjoy your day today--living in the presence of your loving Father, walking hand in hand with your loving Savior and Brother, filled with the empowering presence of the faithful Spirit. Going to be a marvelous day.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sound Doctrine

 Unless you live a life consistent with what you claim to be true, no one is obligated to believe you. What you say will never be more true than the life you live.

Paul told Timothy two thousand years ago that people will not endure sound doctrine. That's because sound doctrine demands a life that demands endurance. It's easier to turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths. And people always do both--accept that the truth is a lie and then embrace the lies as truth. We live in a world that believes in fables. And they think they are the wise ones to do so. How heartbreaking to see people who have turned from the only truth that gives life meaning and then to spend the rest of their lives looking for "the meaning of life."
And they love their Aesops--teachers who are almost always incredibly "spiritual" nice guys; teachers who redefine truths to satisfy their misdirections--never relying on Scripture as the source of truth; teachers who take the truth out of context and claim as true extra-biblical sources. They teach desires. And really, isn't there basically only one idol--myself. Teach a man a myth that makes him god over his own life, and you will fill your "church."
Of course, the important question is what does God call me to do in the midst of such a self-blinded world? "But you, be sober"--cool, calm,collected, and alert--no matter how condescendingly they call you a fool, no matter how vehemently they dismiss the truth, and no matter how arrogantly they expound their myths--the truth will stand. The only word that is eternal is His Word. Do not be intimidated or shaken by their rantings or impressed by the number of their followers. "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it."
"But you, . . . endure hardship." What they refuse to endure, you must endure through the strength that He has promised you. Promised. "Endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Don't become entangled in the world." Exult in hope of the glory of God. Exult in your tribulations because they pour into your heart the deep love of God. Exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ--you have been reconciled to Him; no longer His enemy, you have been transferred into the kingdom of His Dear Son. Forever. Endure.
"But you . . . do the work of an evangelist." The Spirit of God can wield the Word of God and break the most arrogant, confused, rebellious heart. Think: Nicodemus, the Apostle Paul. C.S Lewis. You. The list is endless. Lift Him up. Watch Him draw unto Himself. Don't give up. "Do the work." And if they won't listen to you, work from your knees.
But you . . . fulfill your ministry." Use the gifts God has given you--whatever they may be--to serve Him What He has called you to do is your God-ordained ministry. And it's as important and vital to the kingdom as any other ministry. Like Paul, be poured out, fight the good fight--wrestle with the enemy; don that armor every day; finish the course--run the race to the end; keep the faith--guard your heart with the bulwark of God's peace.
May your life reflect the deep love you have for His appearing. May your life reflect that what you believe is eternal truth. The greatest danger that a darkened world faces is the absence of light.

Monday, January 12, 2015

God Teaches

God teaches us joy through deep valleys of sorrow.
God teaches us faithfulness through prideful failures.
God teaches us to love unconditionally through experiencing calloused indifference.
God teaches us faith through impossible problems.
God teaches us strength through incurable thorns.
God teaches us hope through the shallowness of unfulfilled wishes.
God teaches us confidence through silent answers to prayers.
God teaches us contentment through the richness of need and the poverty of want.
God teaches us humility through failings in those areas that we think are our strengths.
God teaches us mercy through those who have forgiven us our sins against them.
God teaches us rest by exhausting us in our busyness.
God teaches us truth through our struggles with doubt.
God teaches us patience through excruciating waiting.
God teaches us servant-hood through reluctant obedience.
God teaches us goodness through the evil actions of others.

God teaches His beloved children--that's us--from a heart of unfailing love and the inescapable good end of all things.

Who can separate us from the love of God? No one.

What can separate us from the love of God. Nothing.
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me. For I am meek and lowly of heart, and I will give rest unto your soul."

By Design

The trials in life are designed to test our faith and thus to deepen it. The trials in life are designed to reaffirm whose branch we are. The trials in life are to enable us to bear more fruit--to be more fully controlled by the Spirit and dependent on Him. The trials in life immerse us in His grace. The trials in life are supplied to make our treasure in Heaven greater than our treasures on earth. The trials in life are to daily renew and enrich our immortal souls as our mortal bodies decay. The trials in life allow us to make His presence known to the world around us, to glorify Him. The trials in life make us His blessed people.


I know it can be a real hassle going to church.
I know the church is too big. (Or too small.)
I know sometimes the service drags on and on.
I know sometimes the pastor's sermons seem fairly repetitious. (See Philippians 3:1) And you wish he taught a different way.
I know sometimes the choir does more singing of praises than you do. (And they never sing your favorites. Or in the style you like.)
I know sometimes there are some hypocrites there. (In fact, you won't believe this, but every time in my entire life that I've been to church, the exact same hypocrite has been there. Every time! I know him quite well.)
I know you feel as if they wouldn't even miss you if you just quit coming.
I know sometimes there are some politics going on in the church.
I know, I know, I know . . .

I know the church is His Bride His love. The entity He has chosen and ordained to do His work on earth until He returns.
I know that He commands me to be there--to stimulate others to love and good deeds, to encourage others, to serve others. (Notice the emphasis is on giving to others--not having things my way.)
I know that to not assemble with other believers is willful sin.

I know He'll be there. And He's expecting me.


Those who have entrusted their eternal souls to their eternal Creator will do what is right in the midst of the temporary fiery ordeal. Even if doing what is right turns up the heat. "He knows the way that I take and when He has tried me I will come forth as gold." His gold.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Forgive You

Sometimes the person who says, "I forgive you" finds a deeper healing than the person to whom forgiveness is offered--given. But there can be no healing of any soul if we don't say those words--"I forgive you"--from a heart filled with genuine love. "Be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another--even as God, for Christ's sake has forgiven you." "I forgive you"--the balm in Gilead--heals the sin-sick soul." Yes, even--particularly--the struggling soul who needs to say it to someone else with all his or her heart. And yes, if I refuse to give forgiveness, I have a sin-sick soul.


When the devil points out to you your lack of giftedness, your past--checkered with failures, your brokenness, your lack of intelligence--look him in the eyes and start the rejoicing--sing and dance; you have finally made it into the group of His servants that He delights the most in using to change lives and to glorify His Name. Hallelujah, what a Savior! His strength is made perfect in weakness!

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Word

The Word of God is the mirror that daily reveals to us what adjustments need to be made in our lives so that we can reflect more and more of His likeness in our relationships with others.
The Word of God is the sword with which the Spirit cuts aside the pretense that we try to hide behind; and thus, reveals to us how God really sees us so that we will lean on His mercy and grace and not on our own fictitious strength.
The Word of God is the lamp by which God leads us on our journey Home. It alone can keep us from stumbling in the darkness.
The Word of God is the food--bread and milk and meat--that are essential for spiritual growth, maturity, contentment, and strength. No one grows who doesn't eat.
The Word of God is the truth by which we are sanctified--cleansed. It is the tool God uses to set us apart as holy, to purify our lives of sin, and to free us from the chains of the world's enslaving temptations.
The Word of God is the source of the power that enables the Spirit to fill us and control us each and every moment of each and every day.
The Word of God is the precipitation that enriches the soil of our hearts and brings forth the fruit that demonstrates to the world whose branch we are.
The Word of God is the buckle that holds together all the armor of God so necessary for our daily warfare against supernatural forces of evil.
The Word of God is the sword with which we attack the enemy's lies.
The Word of God, though perceived by men to be foolishness, is instead the Spirit's way of revealing to us the very thoughts of God.

The Christian life cannot be lived victoriously without a personal relationship with the Word. First-hand. Daily. Immersed. The Word of God lived is the foundation--the rock--that allows us to stand in the fiercest storms of life.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Understanding Grace

The depth of my love is directly related to the depth of my understanding of His grace. The depth of my understanding of His grace is directly related to the depth of my understanding of my total unworthiness to receive it.
"No one ever cared for me like Jesus. There's no other friend so kind as He; no one else could take the sin and darkness from me, O how much He cared for me."
How can I not be true to such amazing grace?
"Amazing love how can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?"


Some of the people that we interact with every day have moments when they desperately need a sense of His presence. That's why you're there.

Most of the people that we . . . Hm.

All of the people that we . . .

When God brings someone to your mind during the day , , , remember the command: "Pray without ceasing." Oh, the opportunities we miss because of our self-absorption.

One of my fears as a teacher is that a student will come into my room with the need to be encouraged, the need to be told that they are loved, and I'll think that my English lesson for the day is more important than that student's spiritual need at that moment. If I happen to come to your mind during the day, pray that God will give me a sensitivity to my students' real needs and the understanding that my classroom is His Kingdom not mine. Pride has a way of messing up one's priorities as God's servant. He didn't call me to teach in order to meet my needs, to feed my ego. He needs a servant's heart in my room.

The more magnificent your "title," the greater your calling and responsibility to serve.


Every day of winter brings you one day closer to spring. There's no other way to get there. Rejoice and do good.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


I think that sometimes we spend so much time trying to figure out when He's coming back--and we can't know--that we forget to live as we ought to live in the present tense: holy conduct--a lifestyle that sets us apart, distinguishable from the lifestyle of the world, godliness--a fear of God; cognizant that every choice I make impacts my relationship with Him, my Bridegroom; spotless and blameless; patiently witnessing knowing that He is waiting to return because He desires for all to come to repentance; on guard against those who will teach false doctrine--Scripture twisters; and at peace--completely confident that He is in control and that when the fullness of time comes, He'll be back.
Eschatology is not about figuring out when He will return but living as if you actually believe He is going to return. And that you want to be found ready--holy, godly, spotless, blameless, biblically sound, compassionate toward the lost, unafraid.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Proverbs 32

Thoughts to ponder for the new year: Nothing new. Just things for your soul to meditate on.

Proverbs 32 (Warning!!!! Not in the original. Just the product of an old man meditating on a rainy day. Feel free to disregard any of these.)

1. God's greatest treasures are broken things. "Can he have followed far, who has no wound, no scar"?
2. Not too many things undermine spiritual growth more than trying to live up (or down) to other people's expectations.
3. I cause Christians to stumble when I fail to accept them right where they are spiritually. No matter how hard I try, I'm not good at playing god.
4. No ministry that God calls you to will be perfect. After all, you'll be there.
5. Being precedes doing.
6. Self-defense is a futile exercise. Let your life defend you.
7. Becoming like Christ takes a lifetime. There are no shortcuts. Growing and learning are an essential part of the daily, continual process of discipleship. Daily. Continual.
8. The primary goal of all Christian education--home, school, church--must be discipleship. Last time I checked that was still The Great Commission.
9. The Christian life defined: You are either in a storm or one's coming. And the crucial time is between the storms. You know, those times when we think nothing is going on in our lives spiritually. Teaching is what's going on. First, the lessons. Then, the test.
10. The only way to live the Christian life is to be filled with the Spirit. The only way to be filled with the Spirit is to be saturated with the Word. Saturated, not sprinkled.
11. No matter how many times they fail or take advantage of me, no one that God has called me to minister to will ever be able to become trustworthy if I don't trust them. And the response to their failure and to being taken advantage of must always be grief not anger. Grief is the love word.
12. Genuine Christianity is spontaneous. When I am surprised--shocked even--when I find myself acting and speaking as Christ would--I'm on my way.
13. A daily, steady walk of obedience is God's definition of spectacular.
14. The evil that others do to you is a vital part of God's good and perfect will for your life.
15. Whatever your occupation, it is God's ministry, His calling for you in the kingdom. Do it with excellence in your heart and mind. Not just for success. It has nothing to do with how much money you make.
16. To have the mind of Christ--to think like He thinks--I must give up all my rights, I must be a servant to everyone I interact with regardless of my title, and I must keep doing so even if it kills me. Until it "kills" me.
17. There are consequences. How do I know? Because they don't happen right away.
18. Worship is a lifestyle. Praying without ceasing is a lifestyle. Yes, Christianity is a relationship. But not just any relationship. It's a bride-bridegroom relationship. An intimate, holy, set apart, preeminent love relationship.
19. Hypocrisy is doing all the right things for the wrong reason--to make people think I'm spiritual.
20. The most important synonym for love is obedience. Maybe the only one.
21. Impatience is self-love.
22. I don't love God any more deeply than I love my neighbor. Even those listed under the category "enemy." And I don't love them any more deeply than I intercede for them in prayer.
23. Be sure the person you marry loves the Lord more than they love you. He's always loveable. You . . . not so much. But if He loves you unconditionally, so will he or she.
24. The severity of God always acts in tandem with the goodness of God.
25. Beware of the man (or woman) who thinks it's his (or her) ministry.
26. The only way to become rich: godliness + contentment. Godliness--A life that says, "I know He is always in control of my life and can be trusted." Contentment: "I know He always gives me everything I need--and usually more than I need." Rich!
27. Kept within the guidelines of His love-filled truth--all things are His gift to me to enjoy.
28. One day I will see Him face to face--the Lamb that was slain for me--because of me. What will He say? May the "fear and trembling" contemplation of that moment guide my every thought, censure my every word, energize my every action. May it be the moment He intends for it to be--pure joy.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Dreams for a New Year

A Reminder as we begin a new year:

We all have our dreams--no matter our age. Oh, sometimes we have different names for them: we call them hopes, aspirations, objectives, and when we really want to take them seriously--goals. But they're all just our dreams--for us and for those we love.
And dreams are not necessarily bad things; in fact, they are usually good things. They keep us positive in our view of the future. They can motivate us to do our best, to make sacrifices for the good of others. They can build within us an endurance, a determination to keep going through difficult times. Even "castles built in the air" can cause us to keep our feet on the ground, pursuing better things through hard work and perseverance. Dreams can be a very positive influence in our lives.
Yet, dreams can be a hindrance as well. One of the greatest tragedies of life can be the power we give to the dreams we have of what a perfect future for us should look like. We have decided that in our future we will only be happy if we have that perfect husband or wife, adoring, beautiful children, a job that provides for us all the financial security we deserve, a house, a nice car, a perfect church, etc. All those things we are sure we deserve. And yet, those dreams if outside the will of God for our lives can be deadly, spiritually devastating. Such dreams if unfulfilled can cause us to make decisions trying to fulfill them that break the hearts of those we are called by God to love unconditionally. They can cause us to turn in anger from following God, from trusting His love and wisdom. We claim that He's blown it--that He doesn't care for us, that He doesn't really know what we need. We live the miserable "if only" life of a hopeless world. Or worse: we create a hopeless, joyless world for others.
Yet, God does know exactly what I need. He knows exactly what it will take to transform me into His likeness. He knows exactly what I need so that my life has eternal significance, not a mere earthly one. The family He has given me consists of the very people I need in my life to teach me to love unconditionally. The calling He has given me is the very one I need in order to invest the gifts He has given me fully and for His glory alone. The income He has allowed me to have is the exact amount I need to meet my needs, to meet the needs of those I love, and to "invest" in those ministries He lays upon my heart. When I moan and mope over an imaginary future that never existed, I lose every chance of learning contentment, of gaining true riches for it is "godliness with contentment that is great gain." And sadly, I lose every chance of trusting delightfully in my Savior so that He can make my paths straight. Any dream that does not have as its unshakeable foundation: "If the will of God be so" will end up being a dreadful nightmare. And, too often, I drag those I claim to love into the abyss and misery with me.
And sometimes something even more dangerous and devastating happens when I set my heart on my dream whether God is in it or not. Sometimes He gives me my dream--apart from His presence and blessing. Nothing we can accomplish on earth can ever bring us full satisfaction or full contentment. No matter how completely we fulfill our dreams apart from Him we will find ourselves feeling empty and terribly incomplete. If, for example, my perfect vision for The Acres and the cave were to be accomplished, it would not be completely fulfilling--if for no other reason than that my life on earth is brief and temporary. After I die, then what will The Acres provide for my heart and soul?
No, the only way to find fulfillment in life is to make God the center of our life and to make obedience to Him the love that drives our every choice--good times or bad. For when we trust in the Lord will all our hearts, our dreams become secondary and pleasing Him--His "well done"--becomes the only thing that really matters. What He has "dreamed up for us" becomes the resting place for our souls because we know that that "dream" has eternal worth and eternal consequence. We learn true contentment. We are richer than we could ever dream.
God has given us so much to be thankful for, so much that is worthy of praise and gratitude; and yet, we, ruing our dream world--fulfilled or unfulfilled--never see His grace, never sense His love, and lose our hope--lose all touch with the good He's bringing into our lives right now and with the sure future we have of spending our eternity with Him. That will be fulfillment. We must live in the present tense. Our future is in the hands of the God of everlasting lovingkindness--the God whose mercies are new every morning. And that is our assured hope--not a dream.