Friday, May 29, 2020


A cat bird doing his best to mimic his furry enemy.
A heron in no uncertain terms letting me know that my pond was actually his pond, and I was free to leave--now.
The mailman racing in a deluge from his truck to deliver to me a package--laughing like a little child filled with delight.
Another of my camouflage friends discovering himself in my house having a chat with Homesteader. Relieved, I think, when I took him back outside--into the storm.
Lightning against gray clouds visible in the daytime. How close . . . 1 2 3 . . .? Thunderation!
Discovering on my morning walk before the monsoon rolled in that an iris covered with multiple buds the night before had decided in the darkness of last night to go all in--ten blooms soft pink in a pool of pastel blue.
Is not the Creator and Sustainer of life worthy of all praise each and every day? "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!" Today it was with the loud cymbals. 😊

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I have often in life caught a bad case of the "mores." You know, there has to be more than this, What I'm doing now is all there is? I need more. Of course, the whole idea is self-centered--all about me, nothing about what God has called me to be in order to serve others in His name. The exact others He has put into my life because I need their love and wisdom and encouragement as much--dare I say, more--then they need mine? And I have found something to be invariably true. Invariably--without exception, The only place I have ever found more is exactly where God has placed me now. And usually it has been there all along. I've just missed it because I'm focusing on me--not Him or those in my life who love me right now; where I am; where He has placed me.
Oh, at times He has moved me from where I am. Always He has been the One who opened a door I wasn't looking for, and in a way that was unmistakably His hand at work. At those times He whispered, "Here is the place I need you now. Stay here--until--if I ever decide to move you again. I'll let you know. And, oh, there is "more" here in this new place--"more" for you to do for Me. Where I place you is the only place I can fill you up with more of Me while I whittle away more of you."
I don't need "more." I need less of me--and more of Him evident in my life and ministry.. Now, that's "more." And yes, it can only be "found" as I embrace the place where He has put me now for the furtherance of His kingdom. My kingdom will be empty if I try to build one on the sand of my desire of more for me. First storm--down it will come. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." Ah, more.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


In a world that seems full of emptiness--there's a paradoxical statement that saddens the soul--remember that in His presence is fullness of joy. And He will never leave you or forsake you. Never moment by moment. Never for all eternity. Full of His joy.
In a world where it seems as if the wicked are always winning--remember you are "like a tree planted by the streams of water, bearing fruit in season." but "the wicked are like the chaff that the wind blows away." "The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."
In a world that mocks the Word of God and denies its power--remember His Word will not return to Him empty. It will accomplish all that He intends for it to do. All. It is no surprise that the wisdom of God is foolish to the natural man. God defines them: claiming to wise, they become fools, and their foolish hearts are darkened.
When you begin to despair that it's too late for the one you've been praying for to come to Christ--remember the thief on the cross. It's not too late.
When you begin to feel as if the work you are doing for Him is futile--remember whatever God does, He does forever. The end is always better than the beginning. The good is coming.
When you begin to think that your faith is too weak to carry on--remember it is His faithfulness that sustains you.
When you begin to fear--remember "because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
May we like the Psalmist rejoice in the beauty of our heritage as a child of the King.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


My ten favorite things about The Acres:
1. I got to share it with Mom.
2. There's always work to do.
3. When a flower blooms for the first time.
4. When I stumble on a brand new wild flower my Gardening Angels have planted for me.
5. The Green Throne--though it's white now.
6. The Pond in late summer.
7. Mowing the grass--especially in the fall when the barn swallows join me for a feast. Catering bugs is my specialty.
8. Slow, quiet, meditative walks.
9. Iris time.
10. I can sense His presence there.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Calling

Well, another year has come to an end. How long have I been doing this? Started in 1969. Took some time off here and there. Four years in South Carolina or was it five. One year I was an assistant principal. Single father--MoDad as the boys labeled me. One year off just because I needed a break. Thought I wouldn't be back. God has never seemed to be interested in that plan for my life. Four years taking care of Mom. Thought I was done once more. Yeah, sure. Sent me back again. I think teaching may be His calling on my life.
Never expected a year like this one. It's been more exhausting than being in the classroom every day. I hooked up with the kids as much as possible. Had to see them. Tried to teach them some things. As always, I learned a long time ago--it's not what you teach them that they'll remember but how you loved and cared for them. Even if they do remember something you taught them, they probably won't remember it came from you. 😊 And the things pertaining to faithfulness and the joy of serving Him, the Spirit will remind of those things when the time is right. They will remember if you loved them; they will remember if you loved Him.
This year's class has been resilient, brave and very courageous. I love them tons. Can't wait to see what God has in store for them as He molds them into His likeness. It will take resilience and bravery, and courage along their journey.
For me as I grow older, one of the blessings I have needed is the friendship and passion radiating from the staff and my fellow teachers. Not that I've given up on being a hermit, but their friendship has been a catalyst for continued faithfulness in my life. And, no, I'm still not a fan of education, but, yes, I still love teaching--starts with the kids. I do love them. And truth. What will next year bring? I don't know. If He gives health to my bones and passion to my spirit, I am fairly certain I know where He wants me to be..
Ah, well. My summer in hiding is here. Physical labor, walks, horticulture (just so you think of me as a scientist once in awhile), reading, writing, (no arithmetic or hickory sticks--well, maybe a hickory stick or two dropping on my head.) Again, my years start in May--and finish; 13 month year? Iris at The Acres, another year of teaching seniors and sending them out into the world to take the name of Jesus with them.
See you in the Fall, Lord willing. Love you any of the Class of 2020 who is reading this. Be good!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Did You See It?

There is beauty in the world. Did you see it? It walks hand-in-hand with joy and laughter.
New puppies--already the boss of the home.
Pilots as proxies for the community, roaring their praise and thanks for the courageous--the makers of sacrifice.
Robins outsinging all the other birds combined. Loud and proud.
Bright sunshine before and after the rains--and snows.
Hummingbirds hovering outside the window to remind you "I'm back! Fill up the feeders now dumb human."
A husband's bravery in allowing his wife to cut his hair--perfectly, of course.
Teachers sneaking around neighborhoods putting out signs of congratulations for kids they've come to love.
Annuals that have been patiently waiting out the onslaughts of the frost wars, now planted in real soil, and immediately "perking up." Home at last.
Perennials standing up to embrace the first signs of warmth--"What frost?"
A young boy's testimony to his battle with cancer through his faith, through his friends encouragement, through the joys of everyday life--his rightfully proud father by his side.
Friendships strengthened by absence. Absence does do that you know. Aren't cliches marvelous when you stop to think about what they're actually affirming?
Children celebrating the love between their mom and dad.
That quiet moment when the Spirit through His Word whispered, "Did you see that? Just for you today."
Teachers meeting online with their students. Talking about what? Doesn't matter. It's the with whom that matters.
The beauty of the earth and life lavished upon us by the grace of God in all our circumstances. Hope you've been looking for it! It's all around you because your God is everywhere all the time. Start by feasting on the beauty of Jesus radiating from the faces of your fellow "captives." These are precious times of unity and quietness that you may not have again when "normal" sinks back in. I know the quietness may be pretty raucous at times--but it's quiet in the depths of your heart, is it not? You be beautiful, too. Reflect the beauty of Jesus to those around you. Start with a simple "thank you" to Him who does all things well. Beauty is one of His specialties--wait until you see His face!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Quarantine Assignments

Quarantine Assignments
Send a note, email, text to at least one person you know but are separated from. Let them know you are thinking of them, care for them, and ask if there is anything you can pray for.
Stop and have a joy/thanksgiving party at least once every day.
As difficult as it may be, find time to get alone. And make sure the others with you have their alone time too.
Do some physical labor.
Listen to music you can sing along with.
Keep a journal of your thoughts for each day.
Get your rest.
Get your hugs.
Read a psalm.
Memorize one psalm a week with your family.
Pray for your pastor.
Put your phones away for most of the day.
Read a book or even just a poem out loud to someone or to yourself if you have to.
Call your grandparents or your parents or an elderly person you know from your church at least once a week. And listen--don't talk.
Spend some moments alone with each of your children personally. Again--listen, don't talk.
Embrace patience. Exude kindness. Celebrate love. Stoop down in gentleness.
Pray to start each day: "Make me a blessing to someone today."

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Joy Is

Joy is the gift God gives me to finish strong. Joy empowers me to dance in the gales of life crying so hard I can't stop laughing--laughing so hard I can''t stop crying. Joy is deeper than my sorrows. Joy is stronger than my sense of failure. Joy alone can fill my emptiness. Joy is my confidence in the midst of my confusion, my assurance in the midst of my doubts. Joy gives my life meaning when all seems meaningless. Joy is the bedrock of my faith--I will see Him face-to-face. Yes, I will see Jesus face-to-face. Joy is His presence in the midst of my loneliness. Joy spreads His love in my heart when my love has been despised--a deeper love for Him and a deeper love for others--yes, all others. Joy fills me with His compassion for those around me who are hurting. Joy enables me to bear the cross of discipleship day-by-day. Joy puts a symphony in my heart in a world whose strident song has no melody. Joy is my light on the darkest days. Joy drowns out the roar of the lion.
Joy is the answer to my every prayer.
"The joy of the Lord is your strength."
"I can do all things through Christ who is my strength."
Joy is Jesus in my heart.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Joy Parties

I am finishing up the school year in my speech classes by having them tell me three things they have learned from the quarantine weeks. I reckon it's only fair that I share at least one thing I've been learning--though it's not a new things, just something that Spirit has been reemphasizing in my life. If you've been following my posts and devotionals over this time period, you have probably figured it out already. I've tried to encourage you with this truth as many different ways as I can. 😊
The truth God has been laying on my heart over and over again? --the absolute necessity of a heart filled with joy. We need joy for the cranky days, joy for those times when we look at what's going on and have no idea what God is doing. We need joy when we begin to think that what we are doing is just futile--we can't see anything happening at all to encourage us. We need joy to even begin to learn contentment. We need joy not just for our spiritual strength but for our physical and mental strength as well.
Think of it. Nehemiah says, "the joy of the Lord is your strength." Strength to do what? Pick up the rubble and rebuild the walls. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us seven or more times that there is only one response to living life in a world that is so upside down and backward: rejoice, be happy (now there's a word that scares a lot of Christians--happiness. As if God's child doesn't have every reason in the world to be happy!), even be merry! Habakkuk tells us when everything appears to be lost, and God is doing the one thing we don't want Him to do, the response is simple: "Yet, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. I will do a little dance on the mountain top. In fact, I think I'll write a song about the joy I have in Him." The Psalmist tells us, "Joy comes in the morning." Paul tells us that the first step toward learning to be content is "Rejoice in the Lord always. I'll say it again, rejoice!" When Paul thinks of those he has ministered to and so will be reunited with him in Heaven, he proclaims, "You are my crown of rejoicing." The writer of Hebrews exclaims that our Savior endured the physical and spiritual suffering of the cross because of "the joy that was set before Him."
When things seem to be overwhelming just stop and have a joy party. Share with those around you all the things that bring you joy and happiness. Thank Him for all the things He's given you to find joy in! Thankful for your family? Find joy in the wife or husband that He gave you that still loves you after all these years? Find joy in the times you blew it as a parent and five minutes later your child has come up to you and put his or her arms around you? Find joy when a student comes back years later to thank you for the impact you made on his or her life? Find joy in the comfort He gives you? Find joy in seeing others passionate about following Christ?
Just take this one day or the last week and think of all the joy God has brought into your life. For me, some former students came to see me at school and brought their smiles along. Some former students brought me a doughnut this morning. A current senior brought me a couple cookies for lunch. When I went to a certain hamburger place to buy lunch at the drive-through, the fries were actually hot. No, really, hot. Last week a couple friends brought me masks to wear! Saturday my son and his girlfriend came to visit me. Last week, a fellow teacher--a soul friend--asked me if I knew of any seniors that needed someone to call them and remind them that they were loved, that things would be fine. With all these gifts of joy God poured into my life, I was encouraged and my spirit was lifted.
Again, when you start to feel overwhelmed, start a joy party. Gather the family around and share all those gifts that God has given you to fill you with His joyous strength. And if you need a song to close your party, go back to your childhood: "I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay." An sing it loud with the faith of a little child resonating in your heart!
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I'll say it again, rejoice!" Yes, an exclamation rejoice!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Coming Home

I think at times we have all played the part of the prodigal--I know I have. Sometimes the wandering lasts a few moths, sometimes years, sometimes it's not prodigality at all. They went out from us because they were not of us. Woe to the arrogant who thinks he can tell the difference. Only God searches the heart and knows all things. And is it not His boundless mercy, infinite grace, and deathless love that brought us back "home"? Some of us He has sought on the hillsides and carried us back home. Some of us He has just waited at the "door" for us to come to our senses, escape the insanity of a life lived without a sense of His presence. He is the all-wise Father knowing what each child needs to abandon the weariness and return.
Prodigality begins, of course, with the smallest of steps--a closed Bible, a desertion of church and the loving encouragement found there, prayerless nights wondering why we cannot hear His voice. We forget that the one who leads us astray is a liar whose goal is to destroy us--foe, not friend.
And the enemy's lies are subtle. He deceives us into believing that we are "living high off the hog" when we are instead wallowing in the mud of the pig pen, the "delicacies" that we think are our joy are merely the corn husks of the world that makes us hungrier not satisfied. All the meaning that can be found in this world is temporary and fleeting.
And another lie he tells us--especially when he sees that we are coming to our senses--is that we are not worthy to go home--we will not be welcomed there but judged. And yet, the Father is waiting for our return, running shoes on, eager to embrace us, smoother us with tokens of His love. And the first thing He reminds us of is that we have always been a son.
Yes, when the weary come home, the Father rejoices, the angels fill Heaven with rejoicing (wouldn't you love to hear that?--come home and their song will fill your heart,) And the church that has a heart like God's heart will kill "the fatted calf" and join the celebration!
Those of us who have wandered should pray with supplication and humility having experienced His joy at our return. We know His timing is perfect. We know the Father is waiting eagerly at the door, ready to sprint to the weary and lift him--His son or daughter--with His love. We know the angels have the party in Heaven ready at an eternal moment's notice. We know that those who love us have been keeping the calf well-fed.
And those us who are now playing the prodigal should plead with Him to open our eyes to the lies of the destroyer of souls who has his sights set on our souls. We must rest in our inescapable sonship as we race for home. It may have taken months or years to finally "see." but joy comes in the morning. You who are weary come home.


Our fears teach us to trust Him.

"It is finished!"

Our faith will one day be sight.  Oh, how I long for that day!  And in that moment our sure hope will be fully realized and experienced.  His love for us will last forever.