Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Reminder

A reminder tonight of something I've reminded you of, oh, a couple thousand times probably. But as Paul says we need reminding. We are a forgetful people. We too often forget the most important things we know--simultaneously.

Here's your reminder (our reminder): If you are still on this earth, God has something for you to do--tomorrow. And it's spectacular. Show everyone you meet the love of Christ. No one else is going to meet all the same people that you will meet tomorrow. They are in the appointment book He made for you. They either need to be reminded of, or they need to encounter, the great salvation that God has provided through His Son. As Dwight Moody put it:

For God--the greatest Lover
So loved--the greatest degree
The World--the greatest number
That He gave--the greatest act
His only begotten Son--the greatest gift
That whosoever--the greatest invitation
Believes--the greatest simplicity
In Him--the greatest person
Should not perish--the greatest deliverance
But--the greatest difference
Have--the greatest certainty
Everlasting Life--the greatest possession.

Tomorrow, may the Spirit enable us, through our lives, to make that truth undeniably true.

You have been reminded.

Don't forget.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Path of Suffering

'''And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you in His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

Where the path of suffering leads: The God of all grace . . . will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

Spiritual Self-Confidence

"Without Me, you can do nothing."

"I can do all things through Christ who is my strength."

Nothing is more dangerous to Christian growth and victorious living than spiritual self-confidence.

The Mercies of God

The mercies of God: the Creation that clearly--and undeniably--declares His divine power and majestic attributes, a law that shows us our desperate need for a Savior, grace greater than all our sins, mercy that frees us from condemnation, regeneration that makes us alive in Him, redemption that declares the price fully paid, justification that removes our sin guilt and replaces it with His righteousness, propitiation that willing accepted the wrath of God that we deserved, reconciliation that transforms us from enemy to friend, a joint-heirship that makes us spiritually rich beyond our comprehension, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us--makes us each day more like Him and gives us victory over sin in our life, access into the very throne room of God emboldened by the prayers of the Spirit on our behalf, a promise that all will be well--for His glory and for our good, an adoption into His family--His beloved child by His choice, the lavishing of an inescapable love, eternal life in His presence.

"With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan God has for you is good, meets all His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity."


The greatest threat to the power of today's church to transform lives is today's church. The church is called to Be holy as He is holy. To meet the needs of the poor, the orphan, and the widow. To speak the truth in love. To live in harmony with one another. To confront sin in the body. To practice hospitality to strangers. To treat the alien in the same way you who are an alien in this world desires to be treated, To love sacrificially God's fellow sheep, To comfort the hurting, To preach the gospel to the lost. To give double honor--from our wallets--to those who have been called as ministers in the church. To be unspotted by the world. To as much as possible live in peace with all men. To remember that no Scripture is of any private interpretation--God says what He means.
And if you believe that the threat applies to everyone else's church and not your own--pride goes before a fall. The angel of light is in the building. Soon he will reveal himself as the devouring lion.
Be diligent to show yourself approved unto God, a servant that doesn't shame His Lord, one who rightly divides the Word of God.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Our Father rarely tells us "why." He tells us "wait." And He trusts that now, in the present tense, we will find peace in the midst of deep sorrow knowing how much He loves us. He tells us that often--that He loves us. He demonstrated that love on the cross that bore His Son--His Dearly Beloved--Who died for us that He might give us hope. A sure hope, not a wishful hope. A death has been defeated hope. A death is dead hope. A "I Am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me will never die." hope. A new life hope. A reunion hope. An eternal reunion hope. And He is touched by our sorrow. He weeps with those who weep. Our tears are precious in His sight. No doubt, He was a young man--perhaps a boy--who wept with His mother when His earthly father died. He is always by our side--He is at hand. Joy comes in the morning--in that eternal morning when we will all meet again. And He--our eternal Lover--will be there. And we will have no more "whys" to ask. 

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

We are loved by everlasting love.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


God has no insignificant, second class citizens in His kingdom. He clearly tells us that those we have a tendency to view as "less than necessary" are vital to the kingdom work--the kingdom is dependent upon their faithfulness.

God has no children that He doesn't love fully and unconditionally with every fiber of His eternal being as the God who is love. We, like John, are all the disciples whom Jesus loves.
Embrace today your "vitalness" and the depth of His love for you.

Monday, October 19, 2015

For Tomorrow

Some reminders for tomorrow:

You will not meet any Christian tomorrow--not one--with whom God is finished. And God has put you into each other's life because iron sharpens iron. Be encouraging, be exhorting, be loving so that God can use you to build them up in the faith--transform them more into His likeness. And understand that they will interact with you tomorrow in such a way that you, too, can learn and grow. You have no accidental Christian friends. Edify. Don't tear down. Be a stepping stone not a stumbling block. Love them where God has them on their journey to His likeness. And don't assume that He's finished with the Christian you see in the mirror tomorrow morning either.

His mercies are new every morning? Why new? Because undoubtedly you will need some "mercies" tomorrow that you didn't need today. And the Spirit who searches your soul and your body knows exactly which ones you'll need. "Old" ones and "new" ones. Thankfully, He never shakes His head and mutters, "You need what?" No, He always says come with Me--boldly--to the Father's throne. He has everything you need. We may refuse to come and try to make it on our own through our tomorrows--it's called courting disaster; and it breaks His heart--but He will never say, "Don't come with Me to the throne room."

God sends rain on the "just and the unjust." On the justified and the "un-justified." How dare I not be willing to be one of God's showers of blessing on the "un-justified." Prayerfully, on the not yet justified.

Some of the people I will show God's love to tomorrow, some of those I will show that I care, will never know who I was. But they will know that someone showed them love, someone cared about them. They will know that they are worthy to be loved and cared for. And God is pleased when I embrace being just a someone.

The reason I am growing physically weaker and weaker is so that I can grow stronger and stronger spiritually. Total dependence works that way, you know?

God's heroes--those who know that we all share a common destiny--accountability to God--never ask, "What will happen if I obey?" They just lovingly obey because they know whose in charge of "what will happen when I obey." And whatever it is, it will glorify Him and be good for His people, His body, His bride--the love of His eternal life. Be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. Please Him by faith--through faithfulness--don't grieve His loving heart.

Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Got any plans? He certainly does. And they include you.


But when this corruptible will have put on incorruption, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you believe that? Honestly, believe that? Then, this should be your response:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

Steadfast: fixed in direction, firm in purpose, unwavering in resolution

Immovable: unalterable, incapable of being moved from one's purpose

Abounding: to be filled, to be rich

Is your purpose in life to day by day touch others with the love of Christ? Is it impossible for any circumstances to keep you from demonstrating that love? Do you see such a purpose as the thing that makes your life rich, the activity that fills you with contentment? These attitudes will be true of you if you honestly believe that the victory over sin's power and over death itself is yours through Christ--eternally. The "war" has been won. Grace is the victory.

One day that grace will take you into His presence. And even though it was His power at work in you, He will take you in His arms and tell you, "Thank you, good and faithful servant, beloved child. Enter into my eternal rest free from sin's power and safe from death's sting forever and ever.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Revival

If you are counting on a political revival, don't. When people seek the approval, favor, praise of men, they are living in fear of men. When the most important thing is to please your constituents, you are living in the fear of men. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I'm afraid that any politician who made His decisions based on the fear of God would have little chance of getting elected. And if by some miracle he did, he'd be a minority of one. You want to start a revival in America? You live in the fear of God.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

What Might Have Been

Sometimes the enemy causes us to question the love and wisdom of God by afflicting our thoughts with a case of the What Might Have Beens. Knowing that our contentment is the gift that makes us spiritually prosperous he will try any stratagem to undermine it. Yet, those things that we wish would have "come out" differently are invariably the events God has used to draw us closer to Him, to mold us into a vessel more fit for His service, to empower us to reach into the lives of others--some of which we would have never known if those things had not happened to us. He always guides us with the loving hand of an all-wise Father. He always is busy molding us into a earthen jar more useful to the needs of the kingdom and the needs of those He has brought into our lives for us to minister to in this time and in this place. If we could see what our lives would be like if the What Might Have Beens would have occurred, I have no doubt we would be deeply sorrowful--and be doubting Him with other What Might Have Beens.

What Might Have Been if Reuben had been successful in freeing Joseph from the pit before he was sold into slavery?

What Might Have Been if Joseph had not been wrongly accused and cast into prison--for living righteously?

What Might Have Been if the man whose dream he interpreted to his advantage had remembered Joseph right away instead of when Pharaoh was deeply conflicted about his dream?

What Might Have Been? Joseph and his father and brothers and all of their families--not to mention the thousands upon thousands that lived in the Middle East at that time--would have died of starvation in the devastating seven years of famine.

Put aside the thoughts of What Might Have Been and rejoice in the truth that where He has you now is the best place His love "imagined" for you. The best place for you to know His love, to discover His wisdom, and to be His useful servant for the good of the body. He can be trusted. Always.

Monday, October 5, 2015

No One

No one ever cared for me like Jesus. Rarely for a righteous man would someone die. But when I was dead in my trespasses and sins, He died for me. For the joy that was set before Him, died for me.

No one cares for me right now like Jesus. "He is my strength from day to day without Him I would fail." And even when I am faithless, He is always faithful. In fact, when I sin--even deliberate sin--He stands before the Father as my Advocate, my Defender. And His plea on my behalf: His righteousness. I need no other argument. 

No one could possibly care for me throughout the ages to come like Jesus. He will give me an incorruptible, immortal body like His. Like His! I am a joint heir with Him. No amount of time will ever separate me from His love.

So, why am I so reluctant to cast all my cares on Him--the Greatest Carer?


A Plan

God has a plan for our life. When you stop to think about it, that's beyond remarkable. Why would the eternal, omnipotent God include me in His plans? But He has. Everything that has happened in my life is part of the plan--part of the preparation necessary for what He intends for me to do for His kingdom. And He is molding me for the future and for today. Since I am still here, I have not yet reached "the moment" that He has planned for me. I'm still in "training"--in preparation. Where I am now--or where I've come from--are often not what I would choose if I was making the plan. But the circumstances of my life are the divinely appointed catalysts for what He needs me to do. And the beauty of His plan rests in His ability to see the plan with eternity in view. I, in my finitness, see only now. He sees forever. Could He do it without me? Of course, but that is not His plan. I am His plan. And He is confident that I will do it. When I embrace His plan for my life as it is today, I embrace the beauty and eternality of the plan He has for me for tomorrow. God has a plan for my life. My life! If I revel in that amazing truth, my life will be His masterpiece, His poetry, His good pleasure. And "Whatever God does, it will be forever."

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Ricochets for October 2015

He loves you.

His question: Do you believe that I not only can but am willing?

Our prayer: Yes, Lord, I believe. Help Thou my unbelief!

The two greatest hindrances to spiritual growth are legalism and obeying as you please. Both abuse the marvelous wonder of grace.

Genuine faith is to care for the widows and orphans. Care as in action. How genuine is our faith?

 "Go into all the world and make disciples." Any ministry that has anything else as its number one priority is in disobedience to Jesus command to His disciples.

Nothing is more unfair than treating everyone the same.

The foundation of our faithfulness: Great is Thy faithfulness.

 God calls the broken-hearted to spend the rest of their lives ministering to those who have a broken heart.

 Humility in action: "Not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead."


Spiritual immaturity has one foundation: the failure to truly understand the depth of God's redeeming love--the greatness of my Savior's sacrifice on my behalf on that cruelest of crosses. When I understand His love, unwavering discipleship is a joyous act of love to Him. How can I not love Him?! To know Him is to love Him and to love Him is to obey Him regardless of the cost.

Lord impress upon my heart--daily--that You "came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst."


'''And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."

The more alcohol a man consumes the more the alcohol controls him--his speech, his walk, his thinking, his mannerisms. And such a "filling" leads to dissipation--the wasting away of one's life.
The more a man is filled with the Spirit, the more the Spirit controls him--his speech, his walk, his thinking, his mannerisms. And such a filling leads to an abundance of joy and contentment, a cup running over--an abiding in His presence.
And though alcohol is the illustration Paul uses because it's so clear to mankind, anything that one uses to "fill" up his or her life other than the Spirit leads to a life of wasting away--emptiness. And it's such a subtle, almost unconscious emptying. Is anything more frightening then pursuing a life filled with emptiness?
One gets filled with the Spirit by feasting on the Word--the rain and snow of Heaven, the meat and milk of the spiritual diet, and the source of the Fountain of Life that resides, springs up, flowing within us.

The question is obvious: What are you filling up your life with?

And yes, Paul wrote this command to the Christians in the church at Ephesus.