Thursday, December 31, 2020

Prayers for 2021

 As many of you know, I start each year with prayer requests instead of resolutions. Here are my requests for 2021.

Opportunities to encourage the faith of others
A daily sense of His presence
God's protection over WC physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually
Our nation and its leaders
To reflect His glory to the very end--to be Christ-in-the-room
The leadership at WC
The church will step up in the battle against racism and oppression
Spiritual growth for those students at WC who are living lives of spiritual indifference
Those friends who have touched my life through encouragement, prayers, presence, labors of love, tangible acts of sacrifice.
The great young leadership at WC
Deepening of friendships
A white Christmas
The beauty of The Acres all year round
Peace and contentment

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Spiritual Exercise

 I am finding that as my physical strength leaves me, it is immensely important that I focus on those "exercises" that keep me resting in His spiritual promises. He who knows that I am but dust is eager to sustain me with His care. I must continue in prayer--intercessory and personal. I must continue in His Word through study and meditation. I must continue to look for opportunities to encourage others in their walk of faith. My physical struggles are one of the ways God uses to draw me to reliance on His all-sufficient grace. My heart's desire must be to radiate His goodness and grace and mercy. Until my last breath, I would be like Jesus.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

 Christmas at The Acres 2020. It is cold, but the Artist has covered the Creation with a gorgeous white blanket. And such a calm, quiet, world. Slept late so I will have to get busy feeding my feathered friends and their number one fan. As I sit at the doorwindow and rejoice at the beauty, I am reminded that on the coldest day God covers me with the blanket of His beautiful presence. Sends the quiet so I can hear His voice. Calms my spirit with His promise that all will be well--His love always radiates His goodness. Each day is filled with His loveliness. Each day I am secure in the arms of the One who came to this earth to seek sinners and make them His children--even this old stubborn one. And to see the Creation through the loving eyes of my Eternal Father is majestic. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. If He can save me, He can save anyone." And I rejoice and rest in His beautiful gift of grace to me. And I rejoice that like the snow that falls from heaven, His Word will accomplish His perfect will in all things. What a beautiful God we serve! Merry Christmas my friends. Love you all!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Good-Bad Day

 Thank you for the encouragement of your prayers. Hospice stopped by, and they have no major concerns yet. A package came that I have been eagerly waiting for. A good friend for years stopped by for a through the doorwindow conversation. And then, a friend that I haven't seen for awhile who lives out of state dropped by for words of encouragement. Has it been a difficult day--yes--keep praying please. Has it been a good day? Absolutely! As the hymn writer says, the Lord's "many forms of love He wears" were on full display today. Never let the struggles of the day keep you from seeing and rejoicing in the acts of love He has poured into your life this day--struggles and all. He is your Faithful Father always. And never let the good things of the day keep you from being a man or woman of intercessory prayer. "Pray without ceasing."

Monday, December 21, 2020

Through not From

 Through not from

So you can testify to others of His faithfulness
So you can know Him more deeply
So you can share in the fellowship of His suffering
So you can weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
So you can be one of His comforters
So truths you have known in your head can fill your heart
So your natural tendency to trust in your own strength can be shattered
So you will become sensitive to those around you in need of His love.
So your prayer life will be 24-7
So you will embrace your weaknesses
So you will live all day with a deep sense of His presence
So He can take your hand in His as you walk into His eternal presence and He presents you to the Father clothed in His righteousness..

Friday, December 18, 2020

Walk On

 Step by step

Hand in hand
Never forsaken
Guided by His Word
In the light as He is in the light
Pressing on to the upward calling
Resting in the intercessor prayers of so many
Under His wings yet soaring on the winds of adversity
Being made conformable to His death
No turning back
Closer Home with every step.
Walk on

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Finishing Strong

 We often hear the admonition, "Finish strong!" What does that mean? As you near the end of life think of something spectacular to do for Christ? No! What it means is to keep on being faithful in your everyday walk with Him. My mom lived to be 99, and she finished strong. How? She spent time every day in the Word. She spent time every day praying for those she loved. She spent time every day sharing her love for her Savior and His love for her. She spent time every day enjoying the beauty that surrounded her. She lived a life of praise and joy. She finished strong.

Meditate on those things for a moment. What could be more spectacular than spending time each day reading the love letter sent to you by the Father? And having the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and heart to its beauty and truth--to be your personal Bible teacher every day? What could be more spectacular than entering the very throne room of God to ask for grace and mercy in your life and in the lives of those you love? Knowing He has promised to give both of those to His children! What could be more spectacular than talking to others each day about your greatest Lover and all He's done and is doing for you? What could be more spectacular than enjoying with a thankful heart all the beauty He has surrounded you with? What could be more spectacular than the Spirit using you to praise Him with your life--to reflect who He is to those placed in your sphere of influence?
Do you want to finish strong? Just keep being faithful to the simplicity that is found in Christ Jesus your Lord. What an exquisite simplicity it is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 God tells us that He has numbered our days. Jesus on The Sermon on the Mount asks, who can add one step to his life? The obvious answer being no one. And Moses asks God to "teach us to number our days that we may present to God a heart of wisdom."

The wise man embraces the amazing gift of a new day, one more day to use the opportunities God gives him to fulfill his calling, to "fight the good fight," "to finish the course," to live a life of praise to His Savior and King. He can shake his head in humble amazement that the God of Eternity chose to use him in the present tense of each numbered day to make the invisible God visible. How incredible to know that God created him for this particular time, in this particular place, to fulfill His eternal plan. May we begin each day, each incalculable treasure that He gives us, with the simple prayer, "Lord, thank you for the opportunity to use this day you've graciously given to me, and thank you for the promise of enough strength to make this day count for your glory"

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Lessons Learned and Relearned

Yesterday began with an overwhelming sense of strengthlessness--physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally.
Yesterday ended with an overwhelming sense of His presence, His enabling, His peace, and His comforting care.
How? Intercessory prayer. All day long my name was taken into the throne room of the God who promises mercy and grace to those who come into His presence to ask for both in time of need. And He supplies both just as He promises. Thank you for taking my name and my need into our Father's presence.
How? His People. He sent my Good Samaritan out to the house, And he went beyond all that I could ask or think to lift my spirit with His help and encouragement. Thanks again Tom.
By early afternoon He even gave me the strength to spend time with a dear friend who lifted and encouraged my spirit as well.
Never forget that the Christian walk is a group project. We are a community of believers.
How? Renewing of the mind. All my supposed spiritual strength, manufactured by own spiritual pride was useless. I needed to rely on the Spirit that lives within me for the strength needed for the struggles of each day. Without Him I can do nothing.
Why do I wait to ask for prayer? I need to humble myself, surrender to His will, admit my weakness and total dependence on Him.
Prayer. Community. A mind open to the Spirit's teaching--re-teaching. These gifts from Him turned a day mired in despondency to a day of immeasurable joy. And if He had not allowed my spiritual pride to lead me to despondency, I would never have been reminded of and refreshed by the power of the love of others and the power of the Spirit's patience in leading me into a deep awareness of His presence and His joy.
"Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here; trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear, He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure, gives unto each day what He deems best, lovingly its part of pain and pleasure, mingling toil with peace and rest.
"Help me then, in every tribulation, so to trust The promises, O Lord, that I lose not faith's sweet consolation, offered me within Thy holy word. Help me Lord, when toil and tribulation meeting, e'er to take as from a father's hand, one by one, the days, the moments fleeting, till I reach the promised land."

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Way of the Cross

 There is only one road for the follower of Christ--"the way of the cross leads Home." "If anyone would be my disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me."

It is at the foot of that cross where my journey began. When I saw that all my human effort could never atone for my sins, that faith in my Savior and His atoning work for me on the cross was the only way to forgiveness, redemption, justification, and eternal life, I began the work of following Him Home.
And so I must begin each day along the journey by kneeling in humility, helplessness, and gratitude at the foot of the old rugged cross. I need His grace today to deny myself, to put to death my desire to live my life my way, to put to death my desire to be in control of my life. I need His grace to walk with Him whatever this day brings into my path. I need His grace to face my Garden of Gethsemane and pray, "nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done."
And I need to remind myself daily where the way of the cross leads: Home. At the end of the journey, He will meet me at the "door" with open arms, "welcome, I've prepared a place for you. Welcome, I will wipe away your tears and sorrows forever. Welcome, I have some of My other children who have been waiting to greet you. Welcome to My Father's Home to live forever in His joy, surrounded by His beauty. Welcome, there's no place like Home." Such a mindset empowers me, motivates me to embrace the Spirit's leading, to desire with all my heart that I might today on the way Home be transformed more and more into His likeness. "He who has this hope in Him purifies Himself, even as He is pure."
The way of the cross leads Home. Embracing the saving grace of His death for me put me on the only way Home. Embracing His daily all-sufficient grace enables me to live for Him each day strengthened by the Spirit to follow Him through my Gardens no matter what. Embracing the sure hope of Home--"I shall see Him face-to-face--"focuses my heart on the meaning and significance of each day along the journey "Oh, to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer; Oh, to be like Thee pure as Thou Art. Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness, stamp Thine own image deep on my heart."
"It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads Home!"

Thursday, December 10, 2020


 The "mysteries" of discipleship:

1. In order to live a full life you must pour yourself out for others. He emptied Himself.
2. In order to live at all you must die daily. "I die daily. Nevertheless I live; not yet I but Christ lives in me. And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."
3. God's grading system is not based on IQ. God's A students are the diligent who use whatever brain He gave them "with all their might," "to the glory of God."
4. My struggles to serve Him are not proof of backsliding; they are proof that He is molding you into His image--proof that your "no-matter-what" faithful obedience pleases Him.
Christian maturity is growing up to be a child. "For of such is the Kingdom of God."
5. God uses suffering to turn you into His gold--His treasure--so that He might spend you for His purposes and glory. When He takes us Home, may there be no lose change lying around.
6. God does not want to be your Master--He is your Master. The question is what kind of servant am I. "You call me Lord, Lord, and yet you don't do what I command you to do."
7. The truth of the two Great Commandments is that I do not love God any more deeply I love my neighbor. Neighbor: anyone--everyone--who has a need.
8. The weapons of the Christian warrior are reflections of His love. The sword I wield the Spirit's not mine. The empowerment prayer to the Spirit not self-reliance.
9. The sin that destroys is the desire for autonomy--for control of my life. "You are not your own; you have been bought with a price; the precious blood of your Lamb."
10. I become free when I repent of my sins, trust in Him as the only Savior--the "one Mediator between God and man." And then with a heart full of gratitude I surrender myself to be His bond-slave.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 suggestions for a good day:

Teachers: stand outside your door between classes so you can love on your students as they enter your room and love on everyone else's students as they pass by.
Be sure that one student who is on the "fringe" knows that you care for him or her. Even if it's just by asking the mundane question of how are you and listening to the answer.
Everybody: embrace whatever God brings into your life today as a "tool" He wants to use to mold you more fully into His image. That's why you're here!
Be diligent. No matter how many gifts and talents He has given you, if you are not using them as fully as He enables you, you are wasting your day.
Students: Go out of your way to tell your teachers and the administration thank you for all they have done and sacrificed for you this chaotic mess called 2020. It's a block day so you'll have to put on your travelling shoes to find and encourage some of them. Do it!
Touched a life yet for Him today?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Unseen Hands at Work Molding

 I suppose my high school years were typical of most teens. Though I had grown up in Wellston, I did have to make adjustments. I knew the kids that lived close to me, my sister Janice was a senior, my cousins attended, Martha and Nora, but many of them--because I went to that little Christian school--were new to me and I to them. I was openly accepted by the students--friendships easily formed. I have been blessed to reconnect with some of them on facebook. Good memories shared. My only real aberration between myself and most teens is that I didn't get a driver's license until I was a senior in college--a fifth year senior. Horrors, I know! How did I survive?

As far as athletics were involved, I played baseball. My senior year we were pretty good (okay not pretty), mainly because we had a good pitcher. If I remember right, his name was Robert Taylor. And if I remember correctly, we lost in the playoffs to the team that eventually won it all. That may just be wishful imagination. 😊 I also played basketball my first two years, but then the adult leader of a Young Life group in St. Louis County asked me to be the student leader of the group. Since Young Life met on Friday, and games were played on Friday, I couldn't do both and chose Young Life.
Life at school was "normal." Classes, study at times, crushes, student council, attending football games, hitting the fast food places (Steak n' Shake and Chuck-a-Burger were the big two), plays, just hanging out. Typical. Since we were a very small school, we didn't always attract the best teachers--if you couldn't find a position anywhere else, there was always Wellston. Some of our teachers were excellent though--the best being my math teacher senior year. I actually went to college intending to teach math. Thankfully, I saw the light in time and switched to English and history. Whew! Close call. 😊
Outside of school, Young Life was good, church on Wednesday and Sundays, work, basketball on outdoor courts all summer long, fast-pitch softball on the church team. Life was full of activity.
As I write this, I wonder what did God using during these days to mold me into who I became? I had some resistance to my faith by my Spanish teacher, but nothing major. There are always good traits to be learned from sports--some things revealed in my character some new traits developed. My love for literature continued to grow. The necessity of good friendships to a full life, insights into what good teaching and bad teaching looked like, the necessity of choosing between two things that you love. And the greatest gift of the past--memories. I have so many memories from those four years. God's gift to me of four years--good times and bad--but overwhelmingly good. God was molding my life, and I didn't ever notice it--will probably never know the things He taught me in preparation for the years to come. They were good years. And though I can't go back and enjoy them again, I have the memories. He has instilled the past in my memories. They are with me all the time to my delight. Thank You, Lord, for that past, and thank You, Lord, for implanting the memories of that past in my memories today. They are a delight. And may very well be still molding me today.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


 As one approaches the end of his or her walk and all the beauty and wonder that is promised--freedom from this mortal body and its struggle with sin, the end of sorrow and tears, the meeting with loved ones and friends who have been waiting for you, the worship service before the Throne, the unfathomable moment when you shall see Him face-to-face--in the eagerness to be immersed in those eternal gifts, we too often suppress the eagerness we should have to spend each new day serving and ministering to those around us. Sometimes as our physical bodies decline, we let our frustrations with those things cause us to lose sight of why we are here--it is not about us, it is never about us--we are in the world to minister to others. "The Son of Man came into the world not to be ministered to but to minister." That calling will still be true even on our last day--maybe "more true"?--just as it was on His "last day." Yes, no matter where I am on the journey, if I woke up this morning to the gift of another day, it is because He has something He wants me to do today to glorify Him, to encourage others in their walk of faith, to become more like Him--Christ-in-the-room--wherever He desires to use me. This is not my day; this is His day that He has graciously given to me. Yes, like Paul I can joyously testify that to be with Him will be very much better. But like Paul in his next breath, we must testify, but since I am not with Him yet, I will use this day to encourage my friends in their walk of faith. And will He not be with me this day--oh, not as wondrously as He will be in that eternal day--but just as powerfully, just as graciously, with a heart just as focused on others, just as dedicated to "Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." No matter where we are on the journey may our surrendered lives be the answer to His prayer.

More Than We Ask or Think

 Thank you for your prayers today. I cannot put into words how the Spirit used them. He had been urging me to go into school and see the students. My health struggles made that seem impossible. Spend an entire day at school--or anywhere other than The Acres, was just not an option. Yet, He encouraged me to wrap myself in your prayers, go see the kids, and discover what He could do. So, from getting up at 6:30 am until I was finished for the day at almost 2;30--had talked to all the seniors--not one physical problem. Not one!!!

The opportunity God gave me was to sit in front of each class for an entire period, answer any and all questions they might have, and share openly and honestly what God was doing in my life now and what He had taught me in my journey with Him. I could sense the Spirit moving throughout each class, touching kids hearts and mine. I do not believe I have had a more beautiful day of ministry in my entire life. Not to seem to be be too mystical or to be overreacting, but this may have been the day for which He brought me into the world to minister to His people. And think of it--He sent me back to school to teach though I was somewhat reluctant. Then He makes it impossible for me to continue to teach. Then, He tells me it's time to come Home. But instead of that being a closure to my opportunities to glorify Him and minister to others, He opens the door to encourage and challenge others in their faith wider than it could ever have been done if He had not led me down this path at this time. His ways are not our ways. His wisdom humbles and amazes us. How can we not trust Him completely with every step, every moment of our walk with Him?
It would never have happened without your prayers sustaining me physically and spiritually all day long. Pray without ceasing! Thank you again for your faithfulness to Him.

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 It is almost 4 in the morning, and I am sitting in my favorite quiet place--my bedroom in the attic. Tonight I have the computer on reminiscing on the very beginnings of my education. I often sit here with the computer off and just relish the silence. It seems, for some reason, the one place in the house where my daily physical struggles cease. I don't know why--perhaps the stillness alone brings His presence to my soul. The bed and CD player are to my right. Attic junk is all around me. I need to start clearing things out so the kids don't have to. There are of course bookcases up here filled with all sorts of books--English and history texts, novels, non-fiction, old yearbooks all the way back to high school I think, devotionals and Bible study books. Most of them I don't look at anymore. Homesteader is in the room with me as she usually is. The ceiling is low, perfect for my in the rain dances. It has become my resting place.

Tonight for some reason--as I mentioned above--I have been taken back to my earliest years at school. Sacrifices were made by my parents to send me to this little one room Christian school. In the early 1950's they were rare indeed. All the grades were in a basement room of a church in St. Louis. I don't remember the church--only that one room. I don't remember any of the faces of the students though I'm sure I spent my first eight years of school with many of them. Hey, it was seventy years ago. 😊 The day I am in, the class is reading out loud a play I wrote on vegetables. I'm sure it won the Pulitzer Prize for kindergarten drama that year. I'm still surprised it didn't make it to Broadway?
I will always remember the teacher--Anna Irwin. A petite woman from Kansas who ended up teaching in St. Louis, Missouri. I wish I knew the story of how God brought her there. Mom would know--they were great friends--but Mom is Home spending some eternity time with Anna, I'm sure. Teaching all those grades at once--I can't imagine. I do know she instilled in one little boy a deep love for learning and a love for writing in the six years I spend under her watchful eye. She never married, but oh, how she loved her Bridegroom. That, too, was evident. Unknown to history, I can't imagine how many lives she touched. I am grateful beyond words that our Lord made her such a significant part of my journey Home. I cannot remember a day in my life when I did not feel the call to be a teacher.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 There is a truth that should daily permeate our meditations: "My help comes from the Lord. He will not allow my foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber."

Physically and spiritually He is my help, my only help. My struggles come when I forget that and rely on myself and my pride to "get me through." When I lack the humility to surrender to the truth that "without Him I can do nothing," I end up with a day full of nothings. When I become frustrated and murmur with my declining physical strength, oh, how a simple prayer of thankfulness for the strength He continues to give sustains me--His joy becomes my strength. When I trust in my own spirituality to conquer the struggles of each day, it is a long day. When I rest in His promises, each day becomes a closer walk with Him. Time in His Word cleanses me. He overwhelms me with the promise of His inescapable love. He opens my eyes to answered prayers in my life and in the life of those I love. He takes my breath away by allowing me to, at this time in my life, cooped up for the most part at The Acres, to still bear fruit to His glory. Reflect, meditate on the name He gives to The Spirit He has sent to live within us: Helper.
He is "a very present help in time of trouble." And, perhaps, the most remarkable, humbling truth is that He uses His people to be His hands, feet, voice, and yes, even His presence to deliver His help to others in need of it. "My help comes from the Lord" is made experientially true by the words, faces, and actions of His children. May I turn from my pride and run to Him for the help He promises--day and night. May I allow Him to use me to deliver His help in any way I can to His other children, praying fervently that the glory goes only to Him; my Help comes from the Lord.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


 A PORTRAIT of the Great I AM, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Creator God of the Universe.

"His appearance was marred more than any man and His form more than the sons of men." . . . "He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should we attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
"Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried. Yet we ourselves esteemed Him smitten of God and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the chastening of our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed. All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him."
A PORTRAIT of the Smitten One, the Despised One, the Pierced One, the Scourged One, the Crushed One.
"Stop weeping, behold the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome . . ." And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy art Thou to take the book and to break its seals, for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign upon the earth. . ."Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing"

Big Deal

 Sabbath at The Acres.

It began as most days begin now. Lying on my bed in the dark, silent, meditating. Then, I post the thoughts given me on facebook. Then, from the thoughtful to the mundane--Homesteader reminding me that the most important creature in the house is not the human. Don't you hate it when an animal's natural self-centeredness conflicts with your human "it's all about me" self-centeredness?
I had a marvelous visit with a former student this morning, Reed Klass. I hate to use the term "former student." They are truthfully just students who no longer come to class. He works in DC now, and has, for some reason wanted to stop by and take pictures of The Acres and the old man who hides out there. So today we made it happen; well, Reed made it happen. 😊 He took some photographs with this ancient camera that requires the eye of the photographer even more than the mechanics of the camera. Fascinating! Photos were taken inside the cave and out in the meadow. We reminisced about school, what his family was up to, change, the beauty of the Creation. I gave him a couple Wendell Berry books to his delight, I think. Reed was always a critical thinker and writer, committed to excellence in all things.. I have three "snapshots" of him that stand out in my memories: his sitting in the front left corner of AP English, mind obviously at work, reflecting; his singing and dancing "If I Was a Rich Man" at senior night--I believe--for the drama department, and my offering to leave him the tie I was wearing at his class's graduation. I blew the chance today, eh? "I'll get it to you some way my young friend." Do not panic--the pursuit of art and beauty and excellence is alive and well in the next generation.
The rest of the day was spent reading, responding to other "former" students on message and texts. That reading part was tough to do.😊 The communications? Friendship, literature, poetry--what you would expect, right? Dishes need to still be done, papers to grade--I'll get right on those, I promise.
The bright, beautiful sunny mid-morning and early afternoon has turned hazy. The moon was fighting the clouds as I again traversed the driveway in the darkness to take the trash to the end of the driveway. Some have said that snow is coming. I hope it's an all--nighter so I can sit in the doorwindow and watch it soften the dark landscape of The Acres into a deep white serenity. What's sleep when you can watch The Artist slowly brush in the beauty of winter?
God has blessed me with another day--an e.e. cummings splendiferous day. I thank Him once again for "the many forms of love He bears." Oh, you say, it was wondrous for everyone. What's the big deal? The big deal? He wrapped up this wondrous day for me, gave me the eyes to see it, the heart to love it, and His presence was the wrapping paper. Big deal.

He Is

 HE IS our Very Present Help in Time of Trouble; our Shelter in the Time of Storm; our Rock, our Good Shepherd; our Deliverer; our Garrison; our Refuge; our Defender of our Life; our Keeper; our Immanuel.

"Safe am I, safe am I in the hollow of His hand." "Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though the waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride."
HE IS our Captain, the Captain of the Lord's Angel Armies; our Shield; our King of Kings; our Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Greater is He who is in me, than He who is in the world. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. I shall not fear what man can do to me..
HE IS our Righteousness; our Savior; our Redeemer; our Water and Bread of Life; our Dwelling Place; our Chief Cornerstone; our Advocate; our Cup and our Inheritance; our True Vine; our Pardoning God; our Atoning Sacrifice
"More secure is no one ever than the loved one of the Savior." "With a love that cannot cease, i am His and He is mine." "My hope has found a resting place."

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Struggle and Rest

 I struggle--and rest tonight

In the arms of the Architect of Heaven and Earth
In the heart of One who took on human flesh, who chose not to be just the God of Sympathy but the God of Empathy
In the love of the One who knows my frame is but dust and calls me brother and son.
In the tender-hearted One of tender-persuasion, consolation, mercy and all-sufficient grace
In the felt presence of the Ever-Faithful One, my Father in Heaven
In the care of the Great Physician
Wrapped in the plans of the One who does all things well
Embraced in the arms of my gentle Shepherd who leadeth me
In the encouragement of the One who gladly takes my every care as
His own, who comes alongside of me and takes my burden, my
yoke, on His shoulders, with meekness and lowliness of heart
The struggle is so that I might over and over again find Him faithful and true.
The Rest is so that I might rejoice, be strengthened and uplifted, by the intercessory prayers of those who hold me before His throne in the loving unity of the bonds of Christ.
Will you join me in surrendering to the struggles that reveal to you His faithfulness?
Will you join me in resting in the sweet incense of the prayers lovingly presented on your behalf before the very throne of your God?
Who is like Jehovah?

Friday, November 27, 2020

Though Dead

 One of my favorite verses in the Bible (okay, I have a lot of them) is Hebrews 11:4 "By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks."

It's that last part that always encourages and challenges me. The living need to stop and meditate on the truth that when God takes us home, our voice still speaks. Perhaps it's so obvious that we skim right over its significance. The message of the things that mattered the most to us on our earthly journey will never be silenced. I think about that often when friends and family that I love are taken Home. Reflect a moment. Will Tom's love for WC and its mission to eternally impact students for Christ ever stop speaking? He speaks every day in the halls of WC. Will Miriam's deep love for Christ and the joy of her personal relationship with Him ever stop echoing through the halls of WC? Never. Will my good friend Randy's love for bringing lost souls to Christ ever cease to encourage others to be a daily witness for his Savior? Not a chance. The testimony of your life and mine will never cease. What will it say? "Abel, though dead, still speaks."

Full Circle

 And so it comes full circle. Forty years ago--a biblical generation, no less--a single father and his two little boys, nine and five, faced their first Thanksgiving as the Iten Boys. What to do? A turkey was way too much for three and not a fam favorite anyway. We could have gone to Mom and Pops and the Lemons I suppose--I don't remember all the details, but we wanted our Thanksgiving. Or at least that's how Dad recalls it. Solution: A Duck Thanksgiving--dark meat, small but enough for three, add in all the trimmings, and a tradition was established.

So in a little house--perfect for three as well--provided almost for nothing by Aunt Janice/sister Janice--the celebration began. In a home--it will always be more than a house--on a loop on the outskirts of Traveler's Rest, South Carolina, a young father and his two little sons gave thanks for God's provision and for each other. The aroma of roast duck, potatoes and gravy, green-bean casserole, buttered corn, dressing, and croissant rolls wafted through the little home mingling with the laughter and love of the Iten Boys. And, no doubt, driving the cats insane.
Now, having moved through many places, missed on occasion, menu changes--except the duck, of course--it comes to an end as it began. Three Iten boys, in a home in the country, a menu of duck and the "fixins," the cat, conversation filled with love, and laughter--Thanksgiving at its best. Possible only by the grace of God and His provision year after year, decade after decade, through our biblical generation. To you Father we give our thanks with cheerful hearts, lovely memories, and confident grace. Thank you, Abba Father!

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

1. I am thankful for saving grace, empowering grace, sustaining grace.
2. I am thankful for all those who daily pray for me and encourage me taking me into the very throne room of God for His help and mercy. I can feel the strength of your prayers and rest in that strength.
3. I am thankful that God placed me in family centered on the love and majesty of God. A family that shows that love to me to this very day.
4. I am thankful that Brad and Ben and Mindy May are coming to The Acres for the Iten family Thanksgiving Duck celebration.
5. I am thankful for God's gift to me of The Acres in these last years of my life and the honor of sharing them with Mom.
6. I am thankful that God resists the proud and lavishes them with the gift of a broken heart.
7. I am thankful for good friends who endure my ramblings and spend the gift of time and laughter in my presence. They are my pillars. I think Buzz was right on when he said that God brought me back to WC this fall knowing I would not finish but knowing how much I would need my WC family's love and support on the final leg of my journey.
10. I thank God for the gift of writing, the prodding and guidance of the Spirit as I share His work in my life, and the "thing" gift that Larry and Chloe gave me to make it all possible.
11. I am thankful for more rain (sorry) so that my pond will be deep enough to keep the goldfish from freezing this winter.
12. I am thankful for Tom Hayer the Good Samaritan of Iten's Acres--possibly of all central Ohio.
13. I am thankful that God delivered Brad from the ravages of cancer as the littlest child and of the strong man God has formed him into being in his lifelong struggle with its side effects--and yet, so gentle and kind.
14. I am thankful for the beauty of the Backroads of Morrow County year around.
15. I am thankful for all those things that enrich our lives--flowers, music, soul books, soft conversations, gentle touches, baseball, another new day to touch others with His love for them.
16. I am thankful that I grew up in a small little town, Wellston, Missouri, where everyone knew everyone else and everyone was truly a neighbor.
17. I am thankful that God has enabled me to reunite with my cousins and deep friends the Ziff family in these last few years. How much richer they have made my life!
18. I am thankful for the administration at WC and their unfaltering dedication to service for the King and not men.
19. I am thankful for the love of my students.
20. I am thankful that I will soon see Him face-to-face. How can it be?

The Story of a Song

 A Story for Moms:

A mother came across a poem attributed to Rhea Miller and was touched by its message. She put a copy of the poem on the piano knowing that her musically gifted son would read it. When he sat down on the piano bench and read the words, he immediately put the poem to music:
"I'd rather have Jesus than anything,
I'd rather be his than have riches untold,
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands,
I'd rather be led by His nail-scarred hands.
"I'd rather have Jesus than man's applause.
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause,
I'd rather have Jesus than world-wide fame,
I'd rather be true to His holy name.
"He's fairer than lilies of richest bloom,
He's sweeter than honey from out the comb
He's all that my hungry spirit needs,
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.
"Than to be the king of a vast domain,
Or be held in sin's dread sway,
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
The world affords today."
He also dedicated his musical talents to be used to glorify God and not the applause of men. The son's name? George Beverly
Ah, the contagion of a mom's loving heart.
Care to sing along with me?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Victory Over Fear

 Hebrews 2:14-15

"Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself, likewise also partook of the same, that through His death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might deliver those who through the fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives."
Unregenerate men spend their lives slaves to the fear of death. His master--the liar and destroyer--uses it to enslave and control him. One of the most sobering confessions in the best selling book Being Mortal is the author's admittance that man doesn't even know why decay and death exists. Having denied the existence of the Holy God and the wages of--the very existence of sin--death is a mystery to them, and so they struggle to attack it, to seek cures for a humanly incurable disease--sin. They know it is inexorable, inescapable, and no respecter of persons. They are "on the list." And even more alarming is that it may come for them "accidentally." They fear that over which they have no control.
And they know that after death there is a judgment. As Paul reveals to us in Romans, the existence of the Creator God to whom they will be accountable is undeniable--the majesty of His creation, the complex simplicity of its interdependence, the power it demonstrates all cry out to every man, "I AM." Each has been born with a conscience as well. He enters the world knowing that there is a right and wrong and that right and wrong are not a construct of the human mind. The smallest child need not be taught that good and evil, right and wrong, exists and that there are consequences. Paul also tells us that a culture at its lowest, a God-denying culture, while shaking its fist in the face of God, knows there will be a judgment after death. God has put eternity in the heart of every man. Yet, despite their fear of death, the unconquerable enemy, they prefer judgment rather then the reality of the offer of the gift of eternal life to all those who will humbly confess their sin. their need of the Savior, and put their faith in the One who defeated death for the repentant sinner. A man need not be a slave to the enemy who delightfully wields the weapon of death to enchain him. He can know the truth experientially, and the truth will set him free!"
As those set free, we must prayerfully and wordfully seek those in the culture seeking the Savior. We must by the Spirit's enabling point the lost and fearful to the One who broke the chains of death to set the slaves to sin and the devil free. We must not be appalled at their sin, but at their blindness, and pray that God can use us to show them that they can be more than conquerors through the loving, freeing, work of the cross.
Do we not know as God's child that death has no power over us? Do we not know that God has prepared an eternal place for us in the Father's House--where death and sorrow will never set its foot? Do we not know that He walks hand in hand with us through death, diminishing its substance to but a shadow, dispelling the fear of its evil and replacing it with the comfort of His rod and staff, His presence? Do we not know that he who has put his faith in The Resurrection and the Life shall never die? Do we know that to be absent from the body is to pass from life to death, to forever be in His presence? How can we not tell them!
And is not death for the believer an opportunity to speak in our last moments of the wonders of His grace? And can we not cry out by His empowering grace that at the weakest physical moment of our life, we will win the greatest spiritual victory? "There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." Can we not by resting in His love for us and His promise of life-unending cry out, "We serve a Living Savior! He is risen! The tomb is empty! Death has no grip on us! He alone can rescue you from the fear of the powerless, defeated, enemy death through your trusting in His freely offered gift of eternal life through the shed blood of His son.
"Oh, death, God has given us the victory over you and your "enslaver." "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian! Lift up your voice and sing, eternal Hallelujahs through Jesus Christ, your King, the Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find . . . You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart!"