Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Observations on Relationship

Observations on Relationship:

The depth of my love for God is measured by the depth of my commitment to the needs of others.

The man or woman who mocks or disparages another person--Christian or non-Christian--has forgotten, tragically, that that person too is made in the image of God. As James proclaims: "these things ought not to be."

Any truth not spoken in love is just as dangerous to the cause of Christ as a lie. Maybe more so.

The strength of a body of believers rests on the indiviual member's dedication to edification--to the building up of others as opposed to the tearing down of others. Strong churches are filled with strong encouragers.

If the Spirit is in control of a man or woman--is filling them--their service to others is spontaneous. They cannot pass by someone in need. They are not afraid to be poured out.

We cannot solve everyone's problems and struggles, but we can love them in the midst of those problems and struggles--in word and in deed.

The key to being the comforters God has called us to be is empathy, not pity.

Too often we view those who are most open to the gospel of love as those who are least open to the truth. We focus on their depraved behavior instead of on their desperation for something to fill their emptiness. The only "something" that can do that is the Gospel.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Each day God sends His "devotionals" out into the world. They are "written" into the every day events of life--into a culture in need of good things to read. They contain simple ideas: "I love you"; "Good morning, how are you?" "Thank you." "I'm delighted to see you"; "Is there anything I can do for you--anything at all"; "Can I pray for you?" People read these devotionals and have no idea what they are "reading." But they sense the beauty and the genuine care and conc...ern. And what are these devotionals? You and I as living images of the Savior of the World--of the truth and grace and comfort and love of God written on our hearts by the Spirit of God. Written on our hearts that they might be read by everyone that He sends into our life--read in our words, our walk, our interactions with men and women who need to know what love looks like. And it looks like Jesus--the glory of Jesus that He has called us to take out into the world. Be well read today. Be the beauty of Jesus.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


We live moment by moment by breathing--spontaneously, without even thinking about it usually. It is our breathing that keeps our physical bodies alive. Breathe without ceasing. So it is that the "breath" that keeps the spiritual life vibrant and healthy is the breath of prayer. Pray without ceasing. When our "connection" with Him is spontaneous, and when we are sensitive to the needs of those around us, our life in Him is dynamic and effective--abundant. When I find my ...spiritual walk stagnant and listless, it is because I am not breathing--I am not praying. I don't even sense the needs around me. I am gasping for a sense of His presence. "Pray without ceasing" is not merely instruction; it is the essential essence of our walk with Him. It is the "breath" that empowers us with the abundant spiritual life. Breath deeply. Be alive in Christ.

Friday, February 16, 2018

God's Love

God's definition of His love: righteous, just, loyal, compassionate, and faithful. All of those--it's not "pick and choose." And He sings over us in His love. Are those I have been called to love the song in my heart? They will be if my love for them is righteous, just, loyal, compassionate, and faithful. "More like the Master I would ever be. . . take Thou my heart, I would be Thine alone."

Friday, February 9, 2018


The disintegration of a culture always begins with a rejection of the first commandment: "You will have no other gods beside Me." And it always ends with a culure steeped in idolatry--God calls it "coveting." Everything I covet--tangible or intangible--is a god to me. And the act of obedience that defeats my natural tendency to covet is contentment: No matter how much I have or how much I don't have: "Jesus Christ is all I need." Contentment enables me to rest in the strength He provides to trust that He will--not might--supply ALL that I need from the resources of His riches in glory. The salt and light that enriches the covetous, idolatrous, bankrupt culture and resists its disintegration is the heart--and life--that contentedly trusts in the loving, sufficent, provision of the Father.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Reflections January 2018

Reflections from January 2018

Service is not something you volunteer to do once in awhile.  How many hours of a day do you believe our Savior served others?

The way to dedicate your life to the Lord is to live for Him today.


He understands.

My favorite definition of freedom:  "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such there is no law."

The depth of our love for Him is measured by the depth of our dedication to obedience in all things.

We prove to the world that Jesus is who He said He was--God's love gift to humanity--the Savior--by our love for our fellow Christians.

We prove to the world that "God is not willing that any should perish" by loving our neighbors as He loves us.

Our hope is a living hope, a secure hope, an everlasting hope. Its security does not rest on how well I live today. It does not rest on my ability to reach some spiritual plateau. It does not rest on my faithful performance of certain rituals. It rest on the most dynamic--powerful--event in human history: the tomb is empty. Because He lives, we will live also.


This time tomorrow, Lord willing, I shall have completed by second year of grace--72. Last night I was remembering the "good old days." The older you grow the more life is composed of memories. I was reminiscing about my childhood. Cousins living right up the street, one grandmother living right behind our house, the other living just on the other side of town across from the old high school. A neighborhood cluttered with friends. Church a five minute walk--at most--up the street. Going faithfully Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday prayer service. Not much of that "goes on" anymore. Everyone knew everyone else--the good, the bad, and the crazy. Community they called it. Home. Don't have much of that anymore either. You just lived day by day--and what a marvelous living it was. Ah, the "good old days"--in my memory older and gooder than they've ever been before.
I was also reflecting on the latest blessings God has given me. A little over a decade ago, He gave me The Acres. Perfect gift at the perfect time. A place on earth for me to pursue my love of His Creation, all its beauty, all its weeds and thistles, all its solitude and serenity. A place where work is my pleasure and my joy. Even the "drudgery." A gracious gift not the least bit earned.
And, of course, I rejoice at the gift He gave me to--in my own aging--honor Mom and Pop. Mom, by sharing the beauty of The Acres with her on her last steps of her journey. Delightful time--she made an excellent "consultant" for beautifying The Acres. And she embraced each day. And Pop by doing the one thing I'm sure he would have wanted me to do--"take care of your mother, son." I did my best, Pop. Another unmerited favor granted me by my Savior.
He had a third gift for me as well. He sent me back into His "work." It is not a sending I would have chosen for myself. Living quietly, unknown and unfindable in the wilderness of The Acres would have been fine with me. But it was not to be. His calling was simple: "You're breathing, right? Your brain still works at least a little bit, right? You love teenagers, right? Back you go young man." (I mean, compared to eternity, what's 72?) This, too, was a "splendiferous" gift. And I must confess. My primary goal is not to prepare "my kids" for college. (Though I hope I do that, too.) My ultimate purpose is not to make them better students, but to mold them into better devoted followers of their Lord and Savior--no matter what. So the things we read--and we read a lot--and the things we write about are designed to show them the world in which they live, the thought processes of the men and women in that world, and to urge them to love that world as He loves it--to take Jesus with them when they are sent out into the world.
I am accepting birthday presents: Daily prayers that Christ might use me to show them what His love and grace looks like and to convince them to live for Him in the world as He lived in it--to live lives full of grace and truth. Yes, I know, that's impossible--unless you pray. I cannot express to you how deeply I covet those "birthday gifts" day by day.
Seventy-two. Who would of thunk it? I do long to see His face--more than anything. (Though when He's ready, I pray He waits to mid-June so the irises will have bloomed one more time.) Yet, until that day, I also long to be used by Him to declare His beauty and faithfulness to the next generation. "May the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." Even at the "ripe" old age of 72

Sunday, February 4, 2018


The more autonomous a man becomes, the thicker and stronger the chains become that enslave him to the master who is the father of lies, the arch deceiver, whose delight is to eternally separate a man from all that is good and worthy of praise--all that is found in a relationship with Christ. And isn't it strange that such a man always rattles his chains to try to impress men and gain their approval. Is there anything more temporary and tenuous than the praise of men?

Give me Jesus.

Thursday, February 1, 2018



"Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your soul."

Rest in His joy--persevering with singing ...
Rest in His patience--waiting expectantly in the work He's called you to do
Rest in His peace--"the winds and the waves obey His voice"
Rest in His faithfulness--"He will not deny Himself"
Rest in His immutability--His promises are as sure as His changeless character
Rest in His omniscience--"He knows the way that you take, and when He has tried you, you will come forth as gold"
Rest in His omnipotence--death is a stingless bee
Rest in His omnipresence--He is always with you--and with those you love
Rest in His gentleness--He will always lift you up
Rest in His guidance--He will lead you to the still waters and the green pastures
Rest in His grace--when you are weak, He will make you strong
Rest in His goodness--He gives fish and bread, never a stone
Rest in His discipline--the evidence of your Father's love
Rest in His love--"He ever lives to make intercession for you"
Rest in His holiness--evil cannot triumph

"Jesus, I am resting, resting in the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart."