Thursday, May 19, 2016


It is impossible to love unconditionally without being hurt.

It is impossible to be His disciple without loving unconditionally.

"If anyone will be My disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me."

If anyone will be My disciple, let him deny himself, embrace his commitment to unwavering, sacrificial, willing, all forgiving love, and follow me.


Saturday, May 14, 2016


"You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Chist."

A priesthood.

Their responsibilities:
To fear and reverence God
To instruct in the truth
To teach righeousness
To walk in peace and uprightness
To turn back others from iniquity
To preserve knowledge
To be the messenger of the Lord of hosts

The Blessing: Life and peace.

Yes, I should have said my responsibilities. Your responsibilities.


The throne of heaven is surrounded by those singing that He is worthy to receive praise and honor and glory and power and dominion. The degree to which I yield to Him my will, my control over my stuff, my daily obedience--all that I am and have, is the degree to which I consider Him worthy. To do less than fully surrender is to claim that my life is more worthy of praise and honor and glory and power and dominion than His. Idolatry--in its worst form.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Not Just

Forgiveness is not just, "I forgive you." It's a prayerful "removal" of the "injury" as far as the east is from the west. It's a deepest sea burial of the anger and resentment. It's a trust in God to use all things for His glory. It's a confidence that He is on the throne. It's removing the words, "What, again!" from one's vocabulary and mindset.
It's forgiving as He forgave you.

No Matter What

No matter what His children do, God is a faithful Lover. He delights in being a faithful Lover. That does not mean that He blinks at your sin, or will refrain from disciplining. Just the opposite. What it does mean is that His discipline is designed to prove to you the faithfulness of His love and the delight He takes in you as His child. And that He is eager to forgive and pardon and draw you back into a sense of His presence. He is eager to transform you into a faithful lover of others, one who delights in forgiving and pardoning.
Faithful is He who calls you.