Sunday, January 13, 2019

For Nothing

One of the commands we seem to struggle with from time to time is, "Be anxious for nothing." The heart of the king is in His hand. The nations of the world are like a drop in a bucket to Him--a big bucket. Any nation that rises to power has only done so because God intends to use them for His glory. And soon "the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Yes, that's a promise. And He is just as hands on in our individual lives as well. He shepherds us through each day. We always have access to His throne room--and He adores our prayers for help. He always shares our burdens with us; He pleads with us to give up our cares and worries by casting them on His omnipotent shoulders. He promises us rest to cure our weariness if we will do so. He rewards a mustard seed of faith. In the winds of adversity, He gives us eagle's wings so we can soar on those very winds into the heavenlies of His peace and His joy. When everything that can go wrong does go wrong, He gives us hind's feet to dance and sing on the mountains--to dance and sing in the confidence that He is our Savior. No one can takes us from His hands. Nothing can separate us from His love for us. Nothing at all. No one at all. He tells us to fret not about evil doers; they will reap what they sow. We, however, are free from condemnation; no longer objects of His wrath. So quit worrying. All these truths should motivate us to faithful living, to faithful discipleship each and every day. We can live by faith because we know who controls all the outcomes. And we know that He is our loving, faithful Father. Quit being anxious. Do what you know is right. Pray with thanksgiving. Radiate your confident joy that all will be well. His faithful children overcome the world.

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