Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Living Faith

God always acts in infinite goodness--in infinite beauty--for His people--both individually and corporately. That truth does not invalidate our sorrow, our sense of loss, our perplexed confusion, our lack of understanding. Those things do not disappoint Him in the least; they are not sinful. He would be disappointed if we did not love, did not sorrow, did not care, did not ask. He, too, was fully human. One of the reasons He took on flesh was to understand and embrace our sufferings. He is the man of sorrows, the one always moved with a deep compassion. He is the God who weeps with those who weep. How can we be anything less?
What that truth does do is deepen our responsibility to come along side those enduring difficult times. We are to be comforters of the sorrowful, strength to the struggling, participants in their deep distress. Each and every member of the body is commanded to take on themselves the burdens of each and every other member of the body. What one feels, all must feel. Is sorrow not the seed of comfort and of joy? Is not a sense of loss the seed of compassion for others, a sensitivity to the loneliness of others? Are not questions and doubts the seed of understanding and increased faith? And do we not cast our cares on Him not just through tears and submission to His will through prayer, but by leaning on the strength and love of those He has placed into our lives to do what He would do for us if He were here? We are His body, are we not? Are we not called to reveal His goodness, His beauty, in the lives of others? Can we not be beautiful to those who desperately need the beauty of His presence and the empathy of His loving tears?
And please do not forget that sorrow, a sense of loss, moments of loneliness, tears, questions are not temporary. They are gifts for a lifetime. They are the tools of brokenness that make us daily alert and sensitive to the broken all around us. Indeed, to our own brokenness. Is there any day that each and every one of His children do not need a hand of His strength, a touch of His love, a word of His encouragement, a reflection of His beauty? Difficult times should cause us to reflect on our calling to be His hands and feet and heart and presence to all those He has placed into our lives. How well have we been doing day by day? How many opportunities have we let slip away? Each day--not just in difficult days--we are called to be His loving, caring, presence in the lives of others--to be His heart. Each day. To each one.
Yes, one day when we stand in His presence that alone will make all things beautiful. But it is not that day yet. That's why you and I are here. This day. To the broken-hearted that surround you. Be Him. Christianity is to be a living faith.

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