Tuesday, March 31, 2015


As the prophet tells us, He came gently, humbly, riding on a colt. He also came broken-hearted--tears in His eyes for His people. The stones were ready and eager to sing His praises. The hearts of men would turn to hateful stones. He came the King. The cross did not change that. He will come again--"King of Kings, and Lord of Lords." "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power." The conservative "Christians" with their traditions greater than the Word hated Him--even though they knew who He was. The lust for power and control is a Satanic thing; even in, especially in, religious circles. The liberal "Christians" hated Him. He so easily destroyed their hatred of the supernatural--of a resurrection of the dead. To one day give an account of their foolish Intellectualism to God had to be frightening for them. The God of the Living--there's a name to engender deep hope and joy--or deep fear and tread. The political "Christians" hated Him. Rome was nothing to Him, no match for His power. He could have called a single angel, and Rome would have disappeared forever. Instead, He would let His followers, empowered by His resurrection and by His love for righteousness and the souls of men transform the empire from faith to faith. Ah, the power of the gospel! His first act was to cleanse His Father's House of those who oppressed the people coming to make sacrifice for their sins, who used their religious power to profit financially, who through their actions mocked the necessity of a house of prayer. He showed no tolerance there--just a whip.
Most amazingly, He came to die. He came to save. He came to regenerate the spiritually dead. He came to redeem. He came to justify. He came to suffer and to be forsaken that all who by faith trust in (not add to) His work on the cross will indeed be freely given the gift of eternal life--never to be separated from His love. I know that my Redeemer lives and I will, in my flesh, see Him.
He came gently and humbly--with tears in His eyes--seeking the lost at all cost. 

May I living in a dark and hateful world that is motivated by a lust for religious power and for political power and for prestige walk humbly, gently, and broken-hearted in pursuit of the lost. No matter the cost. May I walking each day in a world that mockingly denies the Creator God and the existence of a day that has been appointed by Him when everyone must stand in His presence and be judged according to the gospel be gentle, humble, and broken-hearted in pursuit of the lost. No matter the cost.

If I am going to follow Him, I must remember why He came. And how He came. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation." A power fueled by a humble heart, a gentle spirit, a compassionate sorrow, and an unwavering commitment to the desire that all men come to repentance..

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