Monday, March 9, 2015

Crazy Love

David was not born the youngest boy in a family of shepherds by accident. God needed a young man who understood the correlation between kingship and shepherding. He needed a young man who in order to protect his sheep was an expert marksman with a sling. He needed a young man who understood being alone, mediating on God's presence as revealed in nature, learning to play his instrument and compose songs. God needed a young man who would recognize his dependence on God and the necessity for humility. No, his birth at that time and in that family was no accident.

Neither was yours. He has a plan for your life. Have you been embracing the lessens or complaining about the difficulties? Your attitude will make all the difference. David embraced the lessons and became a man after God's own heart--a man with a "crazy love" for God. You have been designed to be the same kind of man or woman. Be an eager disciple. And remember, there is no such thing as easy, comfortable discipleship. "Soldiering." Cross bearing." "Sacrifice." "Farming with a plow." Those are just a few words used to describe the call to following Him. And remember as well--the strength you need for this day is a promise. Rest in it--not on your own puny spiritual muscles. Fulfill His perfect plan. Be a David. Love Him like crazy!

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