Saturday, March 28, 2015

Evening Prayers

Evening prayers:
Thank you Lord for Your hand of protection. May I rest in the wisdom of Your providence in all men's lives.
May I embrace the weaknesses that are so necessary to embrace the grace that is sufficient in all weaknesses.
May I not blaspheme Your name with my actions. May Your strength enable me to walk the worthy walk of integrity. And to quickly confess those times when I fail You by relying on my own strength--by the idiocy I sometimes imagine that I can spiritualize the natural man that is me.
May Your presence be real in the lives of those You love who are dealing with great sorrow and fear. May Your presence be as tangible as anyone in their lives that they can see and touch.
May I in the midst of turmoil gladly find stillness of soul in the yoke of Your rest. Grant me the meekness and humility so essential to total trust in Your sovereign love and infinite wisdom.
May Your praise continually be on my lips. May I as Your redeemed, say so, boldly and fearlessly.
May the words of my mouth be acceptable in Your sight--sweet words of encouragement, exhortation, and compassion. Keep my tongue from wounding.
May the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight for the man is blessed who mediates on Your law both day and night. Oh, how I long for Your blessing.
May I long for Your appearing by living a life of faithfulness every day until You come.
May I daily so enrich myself with Your Word that the Spirit can fill me--control my every thought, every word, every action. May my faith be deeds, not just words.

By prayer and supplication I make these requests with thanksgiving. How amazing that You welcome us into Your presence before Your eternal throne of grace, mercy, and help!

In my doubts--nevertheless Thy will be done.

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