Wednesday, March 11, 2015


One of the great dangers in the Christian walk is stagnancy. Its causes are very simple: a failure to spend time in prayer and in the Word; (and, hopefully, that is not two separate times in your life), and a failure to live an obedient life of good works--doing simple deeds of love for those around me--even strangers. Stagnancy has nothing to do with how I feel; it has everything to do with how I'm living--my daily walk. The proof that the Fountain of Living Water--the Spirit--is flowing in my life is not what I did yesterday nor the praise that men may give me for my past walk. The proof is not what I am going to do tomorrow for Him. The proof is not even tangible evidence that I can see today in my life that He is using me. I am called to obedience; the "outcome" of my obedience is God's business. And this side of glory I may never know what that outcome is. And remember that the outcome of a life that radiates the perfume of His presence may be someone turning away from Christ, not to Him. No, the evidence of a flowing life is simple--prayer, Bible study, and humble servanthood. How will it affect my life? Strength for the day. Steadfastness for the day. Patience throughout the day. A mind that is constantly reminded that He--and He alone--has qualified me to share in the inheritance, has rescued me from the kingdom of darkness and eternally settled me into the Kingdom of Light--that I am redeemed and forgiven. A heart of gratitude for such unmerited, gracious, unending love. And how am I affected by the affects? A love for times of prayer and times in the Word that I may know Him more deeply. A daily filling by the Spirit that causes me to genuinely respond to the needs of those around me regardless of their response. Yes, it's a "continuous circle." We call that "flowing"--the antithesis of stagnancy. So simple. So necessary. So transforming. Flow.

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