Sunday, June 23, 2013


     As the Christian matures, he is called to become like a child.  Often, I have heard people try to narrow down that childlikeness to one single trait, but I think it is a broader truth than that.  Here is a list of some of the attributes of children that I believe are evidences of spiritual maturity:

Total faith in the goodness of the ones who love them.  A child doesn't doubt Mom or Dad's love.
A willing dependency on those same people for the meeting of their needs, a complete confidence--worry free--that Daddy will take care of them.  A child doesn't worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they'll have clothes to wear.
A ready spirit of forgiveness.  A child is always quick to forgive and to be your "best friend for ever and a day."
A spontaneous compassion for those who get hurt or even appear to be hurt.  My oldest granddaughter played soccer a couple of years ago and the one fascinating thing about watching those little girls play was what would happen if someone slipped and fell or got hit hard by the ball.  Whenever something like that happened the game just stopped.  And it didn't matter on whose team the "hurt" player played.  Everyone instantly crowded around the fallen player to make sure she was fine.  Hugs all around as well.
A joy in what they do.  No matter how simple the task, to a child it's the most wonderful thing in the world.
An awe of the natural world.  Children stop and gaze intently at whatever they encounter in nature.  They are fascinated.
An insatiable curiosity to learn.  We all know what their favorite question is:  "Why?"
Being unafraid and unashamed to ask for help.  A child never hesitates to seek someone who can help them with a problem--big or small.
Honest communication.  A child always tells you exactly what he or she is thinking.
Sensitivity to pleasing those who love them.  My youngest son at the age of five had to be convinced that the reason his mother left us was not because she was unhappy with him, not because he had done anything wrong.  He was sure that if there was a problem, he must have done something to displease her.
A love for creating.  Children love to make things.  And they could care less if they color within the lines.  And they love to display their masterpieces anywhere they can.  All of them.   Thus, the invention of the refrigerator magnet.
Being unafraid to show love.  Children are not ashamed to cling to Mom and Dad.  Not afraid to say "I love you" in any situation or social setting.

Jesus said that those who wish to be great in the kingdom of heaven must become like a little child at heart.

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