Thursday, June 20, 2013


Christians are pictured as being planted--as having roots. For example, in Romans, Paul tells us that we have been planted together in His likeness. In other words the foundation of our new life is our death--the crucifixion of the old nature. Without spiritual death, there can be no life.
Growth, you know, is essential and vital to a plant--and to a Christian. How often are Christians told to "grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." Do you understand that growth is not an option? It's not: "Well, I'm alive so I guess I should grow." No, if I'm alive, there will be growth. If there has been no spiritual growth in your life, then you haven't been planted--rooted and grounded in Him. And the alternatives are clear. If you're not like a "tree planted by the rivers of water," then you are like "the chaff that the wind drives away." Rootless. Still spiritually dead. Lost. The ungodly shall not stand in the day of judgment.
Been planted in Christ? Growing? They're one and the same thing.

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