Monday, June 24, 2013


When you think your sin is so great that God can't forgive you, remember the murderous, blasphemous, arrogant Pharisee who became the Apostle Paul.
When you think your sin won't find you out, remember the funerals of Achan, Ananias, and Sapphira--the footsteps are at the door.
When you think it doesn't matter if you bring someone to Jesus, remember that Andrew brought only his brother Peter and a little boy with a few loaves and some fish.
When you think that you know more about yourself than God does and that you're strong enough to handle anything in your own strength, remember the tears of Peter when he heard the rooster crow and looked into the face of His Savior.
When you think that becoming what God wants you to be will be easy, remember the bones of the thousands of Israelites who died in the wilderness short of God's best.
When you are so afraid of the enemy that any hope of victory seems impossible, remember the sword of the Lord and of Gideon--blow those trumpets, break those pitchers, and shout.
When you're discouraged by the prosperity of the wicked, remember Jezebel being shoved from her window--it's payday someday.
When the looming walls of difficult circumstances block your view from the pit to the palace, remember Joseph's words, "Man meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
When the lure of the things of the world and its false sense of security dazzles your vision, remember Lot in his cave and Gehazi white with his leprosy.
When the sorrows of life seem overwhelming, remember that He turns ashes into beauty, weeping into singing, and one day, the "Man of Sorrows" will wipe all tears from your eyes.
When you are exhausted by the challenges of life, remember He will provide all the strength you need to do all the things He has called you to do for this day.


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