Monday, June 24, 2013

Entering a New Year

As a New Year approaches, we are always encouraged to make a number of resolutions to improve ourselves in the year ahead. For me, that resolve lasts about a month. Well, okay, a week. Okay, the resolve is gone about five seconds after it leaves my lips. I have never found human resolve as a reliable source of change. At least, this human's resolve.
Consequently, what I do as each New Year approaches is write down a list of prayer requests for the adventure ahead. I find it much easier to trust in God's faithfulness, God's wisdom, God's lovingkindness, and God's ability to glorify Himself in all things--make His presence visible in the world--than to trust in my human will power. So, here are my requests for 2013;

I pray that all those I know and love will by the end of 2013 have a deeper understanding of God's truth and a growing spontaneous love for all those around them. Yes, Lord, all.

I pray that my sons--Brad and Ben, and my daughter-in-law Jaime, and my two granddaughters Moira and Evie, will be more fully committed to following Jesus in all they do. I pray that they will be motivated by a fuller understanding of His grace and mercy to follow Him no matter what the cost. I have no greater joy than to know that my family is in love with Him and being obedient to His truth--which love always is.

I pray that they will know how unconditionally I love them--no matter what.

I pray that my family and their families--Mom, my sisters and their families--will be immersed in His grace and peace no matter what the new year brings.

I pray that everyone that God brings into my life will know by my life how much they are loved by God, how delightful it is to serve Him, and how important is their every choice. All 100 of them--not just the 99.

I pray that even now God is preparing a ministry for me after my ministry of one is complete and Mom is taken Home to be with Him.

I pray that I will never take for granted the beauty of each day.

I pray that I will rest in His promises: "Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hand. No ill can harm me; no fear alarm me, for He keeps both day and night. Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hand."

I pray that He will return even before 2013 gets here. And, if not, that there will never be a day in 2013 when I am not eagerly anticipating His return and using the gifts He has given me to glorify Him.

Thanks for letting me share my heart. Have you made your list yet?

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