Thursday, June 20, 2013


There are three evidences that one is growing--becoming more and more like Christ. They are steadfastness, patience, and a thankful, joyous heart. Steadfastness is the ability to look at the circumstances around you, and still take the next step of obedience. It's the commitment to take that next step regardless of what one assumes the consequences will be. Those who are steadfast, one step at a time, continue to find that God is faithful--one step at a time. So, they march on--to victory.
Patience is the ability to accept people where God has them for the moment. It's the faith to allow God to take all the time He wants to change them or to change your circumstances. Primarily, I think, it's a relationship with others concept. God clearly tells us in Scripture that it is the patience of God that brings men to repentance, to a change of heart and behavior that pleases Him. We must love others--no matter how much they are irritating us at the moment--right where they are, trusting God to do what is necessary to change and mature them. We are not the transformers; God alone is. We are the instruments--the light--He uses to bring others His love in order that they might seek Him and find Him.
The need for both steadfastness and patience imply that the circumstances and people in my life are not going away nor even changing fast enough to suit my humanity. Things are going to be tough. People are going to be a pain. (Sometimes more of a pain than I am!!) But I need to continue to be steadfast in every situation and patient toward all men. Thus, the need for a thankful joy. Where does that come from you ask? It comes from a look to my future, to the hope of the believer--my inheritance with the saints. When I pause, just for a moment, and think of all that He has given me and promised me for eternity, the present difficulties, no matter how severe, seem inconsequential. I am a joint-heir with Christ. Everything that is His, He plans to share with me forever. And how much is His? Exactly, everything. Though I deserve none of it--and could never earn any of it--He has promised to allow me to enjoy it with Him forever. And all He asks of me is that I be steadfast, take just one more step following Him. And all that He asks of me is that I be patient, give Him the time to do His perfect work in the heart of others--love them unconditionally so that they are constantly aware of His continued love for them. He just asks that I be His light in a dark world for one more moment.

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