important thing to remember about obedience is that it is impossible to
separate it from love. Based on God's truth, obedience is adhering to a
command, but it is much more than simply following one of God's
directives. Obedience is love. "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
We don't obey God out of coercion or duty but because we love Him who
first loved us. And certainly when He loved
us, our mind set was not obedience to Him. No matter how young we were
when we came to Him as our Savior, our minds and hearts were directed
toward selfishness--our needs, our way, now. But recognizing His love
for us and becoming His child changes that. His Spirit immediately
begins to transform us into His image. And He does that by encouraging
obedience with a deep sense of joy and discouraging disobedience with a
deep sense of discontent. There is no one more miserable than the
Christian living a life of disobedience. And the key to obedience is
love. And perhaps the severest test of love is being called to do
something when we have no desire to do it. Then, the love of self must
be deliberately set aside by our love for Him. I choose to love Him
more than I love me and my wants, my comfort--perhaps even more than
what I perceive to be my needs. As Jesus prayed we must pray,
"nevertheless, Thy will be done."
And the remarkable thing about
loving obedience is that it grows. When I in love choose to obey God's
truth, my love for Him grows. And what is the result of that? Since I
have learned to love Him more deeply, I now find it easier to obey
Him--because love is the foundation for obedience. Just as every act of
disobedience makes it easier to disobey the next time, so every act of
obedience--every act of love for God--makes it easier to obey Him the
next time. So, how important does that make every choice I make? Every
choice to obey or disobey affects my love for Him. And the depth of my
love for Him affects my desire to please Him through obedience. Every
act is vitally important to my spiritual well-being.
And don't
forget that God's commandments are themselves founded on love--His
eternal, infinite, omniscient love. He who knows the world in which we
live better than anyone and knows the creatures He has created better
than anyone, has given us guidelines to enable us to live in this world
with an unshakeable sense of joy and purpose. And with an unshakeable
sense that we are loved every moment of every day by the Greatest Lover
who has ever existed. And He loves us enough to let us choose. He will
not coerce. But the choice is not obedience or disobedience. It is
love or hate. "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
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