have a tendency in Christian circles--particularly American ones--to
link financial prosperity and godliness. Scripture warns us that those
who teach such things are "men of depraved mind and devoid of the
truth." One of the devil's greatest weapons to undermine a believer's
faith is money and mammon--the things that money can buy. And he can
destroy us by giving us money or by making us obsessed
with a desire for more of it. Either way it's an effective Satanic
weapon. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
at our nation as a whole. Did prosperity lead us to godliness? In the
church do we have a generation of young people sold out for Christ or
sold out--literally--for materialism, job security--as if such a thing
exists, and fiscal independence? Jesus Himself warned His followers
early in His ministry that they couldn't serve Him and materialism.
It's one or the other. The danger has always been to take God's
blessings and turn them into Baals.
What am I to do with the money
and prosperity God gives me? Be content with whatever it is.
Understand that the money isn't evil, but the love of it. (I think you
can tell how much you love it by how much time you spend worrying about
how much of it you have or worrying about losing it.) Give what you
don't need away ("things you need" and "things you want" are not
synonymous). Be generous in secret. Pray for God to bring the needs of
other believers to your attention and for Him to show you ways to meet
that need without them knowing it was you who provided it. Redeem that
money. Turn one of the devil's weapons into a memorial of God's
provision and grace in another believer''s life. Let the treasures of
earth be turned into treasures in heaven--treasures of God's grace and
love for His needy people.
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