Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The good politician recognizes that he is God's ordained agent and thus subject to God's laws and God's definition of leadership: "full-time servant-hood to those under his care." He knows he is not their superior, let alone their ruler. The dangerous politician sees himself as autonomous and thus his own standard for right and wrong, good and evil. He serves his self-interest and is incapable of acting for the common good of society, especially since often what is good for society is seen in a negative light by society. And thus, not good for his self-interest. The good politician never asks, "what does my party think is right" or "what do the majority of Americans think is right" or "what impact will this decision make on my popularity and my chances for re-election"? Those are "power" questions and destroy one's ability to act out of a loving servant's heart--a servant to God first, to those under his care next. What the good leader asks himself is "how will the One who has placed me in this position as decision-maker view my decision"? The bad politician is always checking to see which way the proverbial "wind is blowing." As much as he would like to think so, he is not in charge. He is the dupe of public opinion. The word for that is "spineless." Sadly, there are, it seems, always more bad politicians then there are good ones. Praise the Lord for the good ones. And remember: Thankfully, the hope and comfort of all Christians is the simple truth that "the heart of the king is in the hand of God."

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