Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spiritually Healthy

In III John the apostle of love, praises a man by the name of Gaius. Gaius proves--as someone has said--"God's people are ordinary stuff, plus a dominating devotion to Him."
Gaius was a man of love and truth. In fact, John makes an astounding comment about him. John says, "I hope you are as well physically as I know you are well spiritually." If our physical health was the same as our spiritual health, how healthy would we be? Would there be enough beds in the intensive care units to hold all the Christians.?
What made Gaius so healthy? A balanced diet of truth and love. And by "balanced" I mean he had all he could get of both. Gaius' truth was evident in his daily walk. He not only "took a stand," he "took a walk." A walk for truth. He identifies himself with God's interests in others. He loved God's people in word and action. Even if the Christians who showed up at his house were strangers humanly speaking, Gaius overwhelmed them with his concern and hospitality. Everyone who had visited the church in his home had experienced his love for them in such a way that they couldn't help telling others of his concern for God's people. You can't walk in truth without demonstrating love. Nor can you walk in love outside the boundaries of God's truth. Spiritual well-being demands both.
Am I as healthy as Gaius? Do God's people know that I care for them, not just about them. By my actions? Or is it time to declare my spiritual life a medical emergency because my apathy toward truth and love grieve God's heart, grieve the Spirit who resides within me? May the Spirit make my spiritual temperature known to me!! Each and every day!

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