Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mary, Thomas, and Peter

Regardless of the circumstances, the Christian must always be in proper relationship with His Lord. If our circumstances cause us anxiety, doubt, or unbelief, then it is time for us to adjust our thinking--to see where we've lost touch with Christ and His preeminence in our lives. And there's all the difference in the world between prominence and preeminence. Christ is not to be an important factor in the way we view and live life. He is to be the only factor.
Let's take a look at three examples of people who needed to adjust or become spiritual washouts.
The first example is Mary Magdalene. On resurrection morning her enemy was a deep sorrow and grief because she thought that her Lord's body had been stolen. Her grief was so great that it caused her to disbelieve even angels. In fact, she didn't even recognize her Savior when He came to comfort her. Mary, because of personal loss and sorrow, was afraid to face the future--afraid of tomorrow.
Example number two is Thomas. Thomas was a victim of "realism." He wouldn't believe Christ was risen unless he saw the crucifixion wounds himself. Resurrection life was not part of his belief system. He would have to "see it to believe it." His faith fell victim to unbelief; he even refused to believe the eyewitness testimony of the disciples, his closest friends. Thomas lacked the faith to face the present, to face today.
Peter, example number three, succumbed to his guilt over yesterday's failures. How could the Lord he denied use him again? Turning his back on his call to be a fisher of men, Peter became again merely a fisherman. He was defeated by yesterday.

How did our Lord help his friends to adjust to their circumstances--to escape their fears and sorrows, their cynicism and doubt, their guilt? First, He reminded them that He was a personal God--that He cared. Each one was sought out personally by the Lord. Amazing, isn't it, that God reaches down into individual lives to touch them with His comfort and love. Secondly, He met each one's need in precisely the way each required. Mary needed to know that her Lord was alive, so Christ came to her to show her that He was indeed a living Savior. And what eloquent sermon did she need to recognize Him through her tears? "Mary." He simply called her by name. Thomas needed to "see" so the Savior made a special appearance after Thomas had returned so that he might indeed "see and believe." Peter needed to know that the Savior who knew that Peter would deny Him, also knew that Peter still loved Him. When Peter said, "Lord, You know all things; you know that I love You," it was Peter who needed to hear that truth, not the Lord.
What are the keys to adjustment then? What happens when our tomorrows, todays, and yesterdays place us on the brink of despair? We must remember that the omnipotent, omniscient God cares for each of us individually. He calls us by name. We must remember that He knows exactly what we need to adjust to the circumstances around us, and that He is delighted to meet those needs. We must remember that even when we fail or doubt, He knows all things and He knows that we love Him. Then, we must adjust ourselves--and not the circumstances--by responding as these three did.


"My Lord and my God."

"You know that I love you."

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