Friday, June 7, 2013

Time Will Tell

     The old cliche "Time will tell" is true.  We often forget that in our daily struggle to please Him, especially if the days are difficult ones.  The problem is that we concentrate so much on the present, what's good for us now, that we forget that God sees everything from the vantage point of eternity.  God is a "big picture" person, but He's also always in the details.  He just knows what details will make the picture a masterpiece.  He just doesn't think like we do.  And He doesn't give in to temporary solutions as a substitute for long-term blessing.  In addition, He is concerned about the good of the body of Christ, not just my individual wants.  He wants me to trust Him to do what is good, not just for me, but for all of His people.  And to desire that in all things He be glorified.  For example, how many times do you think Joseph asked himself what was going on here?  Yet, the only way for God to use Joseph to do good for His people and to save them all was for Joseph to go through thirteen years of hardship.  Joseph, remarkably, never stopped being a light for His God, never stopped being faithful, never gave up on obedience.  We must hold to that same standard of discipleship.  Time will tell.  And it will tell that God was in control of our lives every step of the way.  He just had a better plan than we did, and He loved us enough to wait until it was completed.  May we love Him enough to wait on wings of faith until He's finished glorifying Himself and doing good for all His people.  Then, we will go out in peace, filled with joy, strengthened by His unflinching love.

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