Monday, June 17, 2013

In Season

     There are times in our Christian life when we feel as if we are standing still spiritually.  And we have a tendency to think that something must be wrong.  It's not.  First, even though we are standing still, the fruit of the Spirit that God has produced in our lives is still evident to those around us.  We haven't suddenly stopped being like Him in our attitude toward others.  We certainly still love Him.  Oh, we may not be making any "progress" at the moment, but that's the way growth is designed to be.  We are still "like a tree planted by the rivers of water;" it's just not fruit-bearing time--we're not "in season."
     What's going on?  It's teaching time.  God is trying to impress some truth on us because we are going to need it when the next storm comes.  Instead of raining His Word on our lives, He's snowing us in.  The growth will come when the heat is turned up and the snow melts.  Then, the Word He's been putting in our hearts and minds will bear more fruit.  He will take us through the storm, through the trial, and that will start the growth cycle again.  And make us more like Him in thought and action.
     What do we do in the meantime?  Keep in the Word--so He can teach you what you need to know intellectually so you can know it experientially when the time comes.  And keep doing what you know is right; keep being obedient.  At those times when you think nothing is happening spiritually, it is even more important for you to keep doing those things that necessary for growth--Bible study, prayer, obedience (which is love of God), and caring for others (which is loving your neighbor as He loves you).  The most critical times in our spiritual walk are when we are "standing still."  Wait on the Lord.  Be faithful.  Keep those roots in the water of His Word.  The season is about to change.

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