Monday, June 3, 2013

To Live the Christian Life

To live the Christian life:

I must like a soldier daily gird myself with the whole armor of God, set aside anything that would distract me from the conflict, listen closely to the commands of my Captain, endure the hardships of the battle, and be invigorated by the sure hope of victory.
I must like a farmer plant new seed, water planted seed, reap the harvest in due season, be patient as the Spirit cultivates the seed, be wary of tares that might be slipped into my bag of seeds, and refuse to let weariness keep me from doing the good necessary to ensure a good harvest.
I must like the clay submit to the molding of the Potter, rejoice however He intends to use me--be it fine China or the smallest, most obscure flower pot, and rely on the power of the Treasure He has placed within me to glorify His name.
I must like an ambassador never forget where Home is, never let my message substitute for, or add to, His message, and always strive to reconcile the men of this world to the One who wants to transfer their citizenship from earth to Glory.
I must like a tent be ready to be struck and moved at a moment's notice, realize how temporary is my time here, and long for the moment when camp will be folded up for the last time and the tent exchanged for an immortal, incorruptible dwelling place.
I must like a parent be as gentle as a nursing mother to all those placed within my sphere of ministry, be as encouraging and exhorting as a proud father to his growing children, and be committed to the needs of my "children" regardless of their age for as long as I have breath and resources.
I must like salt resist the natural tendency of the world toward rottenness, never lose my distinctiveness, and live a life that causes those around me to thirst for the Water of Life.
I must like a temple each moment glorify the God who resides within me, reflect His beauty and not my own, and never let other gods slip in unawares to the temple that is His alone.
I must like a child rest in my Father's loving embrace, faithfully ask Him for all my needs, respond to His discipline with a teachable spirit, confidently accept His full forgiveness, and faithfully believe what He tells me is true about the world in which I live and the needs of the people in it.
I must like His living letter to the world let His words be deeply written on the flesh of my heart, be an open book easy to read, contain words that commend the Author fully to the ones to whom the letter was sent, and be ready to be sent anywhere He pleases at any time.

The Christian life is multifaceted, task oriented, developed from the inside out, and capable of being lived one day at a time only through submission to the omnipresent Spirit of God who is the spiritual breath of every believer.

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