are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us?" We are the focus
of the love of God, the infinite love of the God who is love. How do I
know? He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
When I
have deliberately committed sin, even that sin that I struggle with over
and over again, God loves me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die
on the cross for my sins.
When I hurt
those who trust me the most, betray their love to serve my own
self-interest, God loves me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die on
the cross for my sins.
When I let indifference or fear keep me
from doing or saying what I know is right, God loves me. How do I know?
He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
When I
offend in myriad ways those I least want to offend in any way, God loves
me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
When I resist with all my human will power His direction for my life,
God loves me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die on the cross for
my sins.
When I pretend that all is right with my soul so that I
might impress those around me with how spiritual I am--when I play the
hypocrite--God loves me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die on the
cross for my sins.
When I wallow in self-pity, complain to God
that He has been unfair to me, God loves me. How do I know? He sent
His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
When I curse God with
my lips from the bottom of my heart, God loves me. How do I know? He
sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
When I doubt that
God loves me--when I can think of no reason why He should, God loves
me. How do I know? He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins.
There is nothing I can do to stop God from loving me. There is nothing
I can do to manipulate God to love me more. How could He love me more
than to send His Son to die on the cross for my sins? How could He love
me more than to pay the complete penalty for my sins in order that He
might adopt me into His family for eternity? His Son died for me
because He desired above anything else to spend eternity with me.
And the knowledge and embracing of such unfathomable love is the only
thing that can empower me in my struggle with myself and my sins. How
can I grieve such a heart of love? The Bible does not say, "If you keep
my commandment, I will love you more." What is says is, "If you love
Me, keep my commandments." My obedience is not a way to gain God's love
that He has already willingly lavished upon me. It is the way for me
to lovingly embrace my Father and my Savior with a heart of unwavering
gratitude. Every act of obedience is a "thank you" for His infinite,
inescapable, unwavering, unconditional, boundless love.
We love Him because He first loved us.
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