Monday, June 17, 2013


     When we first think of the concept of rejoicing, our thoughts tend to focus on outward actions.  We visualize someone jumping up and down, shouting and laughing.  In addition, we usually associate rejoicing with circumstances--with something good happening to us.  But the spiritual view of rejoicing is neither external nor circumstantial.  Paul simply puts it this way:  "Rejoice in the Lord always."  True rejoicing is based, then, on a relationship--on the quality of the relationship that exists between a man or a woman and the Lord.  My rejoicing has nothing to do with my circumstances and everything to do with my understanding of and confidence in the God who is working through my circumstances to glorify Himself--to make His presence known.  And it's more than just believing that He is working; it's also seeing Him at work--seeing the good, true, pure, honest things He is creating through my circumstances.  The person who is rejoicing--who has a joyful heart--is the one who refuses to worry about his past, his present circumstances, or his imagined future.  He or she has no time for moodiness or self-pity.  Their focus is on the sovereign God of the universe and nothing can shake their confidence in Him, their confidence in the reality that "He is too wise to make a mistake and too loving to be unkind."  The rejoicing Christian reflects a calmness of spirit, patience toward others--friends and enemies alike, and an acceptance of who he is, what he is, and where he is.  He lives as if God is in complete control--because He is.  He rejoices in the Lord always.

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