is transforming us to be like Him. He does this through the indwelling
power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is producing in us the fruit of
the Spirit. And it is only one fruit. All the characteristics of God
rolled up into one life style--one manner of living, one walk. As
someone has so ably demonstrated:
The fruit of the Spirit is
JOY--jubilant love
PEACE--unshakeable love
PATIENCE--tested love
KINDNESS--self-effacing love
GOODNESS--righteous love
FAITHFULNESS--enduring love
GENTLENESS--encouraging love
SELF-CONTROL--disciplined love
On the other hand, Satan, the deceiver is intent on spoiling God's
fruit. He has an alternative to everything the Spirit is trying to do
in our lives. He loves to make fruit rotten. How? What's his
strategy? Someone else put it this way:
SELFISHNESS--spoils love
DISCONTENT--spoils joy
WORRY--spoils peace
A word of ANGER--spoils patience
INSENSITIVITY--spoils kindness
DISOBEDIENCE--spoils goodness
DOUBT--spoils faithfulness
PRIDE--spoils gentleness
LOVE OF THE WORLD AND ITS THINGS--spoils self-control
No one can serve two masters. There is no middle ground. Which of
these fruit are you and I cultivating in our lives? Am I producing the
fruit that shows Christ to those around me? Or does my life reflect the
values of those who desire to please only themselves? The enemy's
fruit is rotten; it produces a dissatisfaction and a life that "stinks
to high heaven." Wouldn't you rather be a pleasing aroma in the
presence of God?
What's the old chorus? "That in heaven He may meet me; that His words 'well done' may greet me; I would be like Jesus.
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