I was thinking today of word associations. You know, I say, "Doberman."
And you say, "fierce, black, aggressive, impressive."
Or you say, "Teacher."
And I say, "Kind, lovable, handsome, brilliant." (Don't you just love this game?)
Let's try another one: "Christian."
What did you come up with? I always think of the fruit of the Spirit.
Or the attributes of Christ. "Humble. Meek. Loving. Forgiving. Pure of heart. Merciful. Gentle. Patient. Content. Obedient." Did you get any of those?
One more? Try this one, "You."
Do I dare ask you to compare it to the list you thought of for "Christian"?
It brings to mind that old question I'm sure you've heard a thousand
times before: "If the world put you on trial for being a Christian,
would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
What words would
your friends, pastors, family, neighbors, fellow workers put by your
name? Better yet, what would it be like if they compared lists? (Don't
you just love this game?)
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