Monday, June 17, 2013

The Great Communicator

I think that sometimes we think that the Holy Spirit is just "along for the ride." He's dwelling inside of us, but that's about all there is to it. Not true. He's the great Communicator. Do you think that the One who inspired the Word of God can't speak to you now? Now, don't go trying to find Him in the spectacular. He wants to speak to you--personally. After all, He changes the world by changing you. You are His project.
When does He speak to us? He speaks when He touches your heart through hymns and spiritual songs. He speaks when He touches your heart through the teaching of His Word. He speaks when He brings to your mind--or to your telephone or maybe even your computer--someone in need of your encouragement or exhortation. And He speaks to you through the love and challenges of those He has placed in your life for you to interact with. He is always trying to lead us into all truth, and not just in our heads, but in our hearts and thus, our lives.
Now, I'm sure you probably know all this. But I just want to be sure you do one thing: Listen. After all, it's certainly not the natural man that is moved by spiritual songs and good teaching. The natural man is not the least bit interested in moving your heart to godly action. It's Him, the indwelling Holy Spirit, trying to get your attention, to lift your spirits, to motivate you to obedience. Don't tune Him out. Don't think that it's not important because it's a "still, small voice." It's still His voice. Don't turn a deaf ear when God's Spirit has something to say. To be guilty of grieving Him is the first step toward apathy--the antonym of love. To constantly grieve Him is to quench Him. And what could be more deadly to your spiritual health than that! It's impossible to "walk in the Spirit" without being a good listener.

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