Monday, June 17, 2013

Paul's Testimony

     In I Timothy Paul's Holy Spirit inspired testimony that he was "the worst of sinners" led him to two remarkable conclusions.  First, he concluded that if God could forgive him, God could forgive anyone.  Then, he marveled at the wonder of God's grace.  When we are honest about the depth of our sinfulness, it should lead us to a celebration of praise for the wonders of His grace and the infinite reach of His forgiving love.  It should also increase our confidence in the power of His grace to save anyone.  It should deepen our love for such a Savior.
     Yes, the closer Paul got to God, the more he recognized how majestic was His forgiveness and how infinite was the provision.  The closer Paul got to God the more sensitive he became, not to a particular sin he was struggling with, but to the depth of his sin as a whole.  But such insight did not lead Paul to a pity party or to a renewed commitment to "do better."  Instead, it led him to burst out in praise.  Spiritual pride--and self-pity and boot-strap Christianity are both products of such pride--devastates our Christian walk.  When you see yourself as God sees you, respond by seeing others as God sees them--capable of being redeemed--and by seeing God in all His glory.  "Majestic."  "Immortal."  "Eternal." "The All-wise God."
   "The wonder of it all.  The wonder of it all.  Is to think that God loves me."

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