Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beware of Probably

In the spiritual world "probably" can be a very dangerous word. It undermines our sense of commitment--gives us an easy way out. It soothes our consciences into calculating about the future without factoring in faith and perseverance--or the consequences.

For example, just suppose that after six days of marching Joshua would have decided that one more day "probably" wouldn't make any difference anyway. Nothing had happened yet. There wasn't even one crack in the wall, and he was feeling rather foolish.
The result: No victory. No Promised Land. No inheritance. Back to the wilderness.
Or just suppose that Ruth had decided that Naomi was "probably" right. There was no future for her in Israel as a daughter of the despised Moabites.
The result: No Boaz. No book in the eternal Word of God praising her faithfulness. No place in the lineage of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. Back to Moab. (Ever try to find Moab on a modern map? Some future.)
I think you probably get the idea by now, right? Don't let a "probably" keep you from the joy of victory, the cleansing of faith, or the future happiness God has lined up for you and those you love. Obedience and perseverance bring a greater reward than "probably" ever will.

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