Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pride Says

As someone has said, "The greatest lust of the flesh is pride." We all deal with it every day. We sometimes even preach its necessity. What God preaches is humility and total dependence. I do not do what I do well so that people will be proud of me. I do what I do well because I do it in the name of my Savior. And in His strength and wisdom. I do not boast of my ability but of His enabling. My sense of security and my acceptance of my value are not based on self-esteem but on who I am by the grace of God. It is because I am His child, the object of His love. and a part of His plan for the ages that I know I have significance.
And pride can be a subtle enemy. Pride says, "I must pay back every act of kindness done for me." The proper response is, "Thank you. I find joy in your love for me."
Pride says, "God helps those who help themselves." The proper response is, "without Him I can do nothing." Personally, every time I try to help God out, I just make things worse, much worse.
Pride says, "This job is too much for me, I can't do it." The proper response is "I can do all things through Christ who is my strength."
Pride says, "I don't like myself." The proper response is, "Jesus loved me so much He died for me, just the way I am. I can't wait to see what His transforming power will accomplish in my life."
Pride says, "I'm a failure--again." The proper response is, "All things work together for the good of those who love God. I will ask Him to show me what He wants me to learn from my mistakes." Think of all the great men and women in Scripture whose failures were used by God to make them choice vessels in His kingdom.
Pride says, "I'm struggling, hurting, feel depressed, in the spiritual doldrums. What are people going to think?" The proper response is, "I'm so thankful that God has given me Christian friends that will pray for me. Man, I'm glad the Christian walk is a group project! When I come up lame in the Christian marathon of life, nothing thrills me more than those who come along side me and say,' lean on me. We'll both take your problems to the throne of grace together. And then when I come up lame, I can lean on you.' "
Pride. The most dangerous enemy of the believer. To be proud is to have a heart like Satan's heart. Humble yourself--daily--in the sight of God, and He will lift you up and sustain you in whatever task He has called you to do.

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