Monday, June 3, 2013

To Warn

It is not unloving to call sin sin. The God who is love and proved it by sending His Son to die for sinners is the One who says "such and such" is sin. Why does He do that? First because we live in a world of consequences, a world where you "reap what you sow." To not warn others (and to ignore sin in my own life) is the opposite of love. Indifference is not love. Secondly, as Jesus said, "I came to save sinners not the righteous." To lead someone to believe that his or her sin is righteous is to put a barrier between them and the love of a seeking Christ. "I come to bring sinners to repentance." How can it be loving to suggest to someone that they don't need the Savior? It is not unloving to quote the God who is love. "Such and such is sin." It is unloving to not do so, to not "speak the truth in love;" to not have my speech gracious but seasoned with salt. He was full of grace and truth. To be like Him, I must by His Spirit's enabling, be the same. Yes, truth without grace is harshness; but grace without truth is specious--superficially appearing to be right but deadly deceptive.

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