Monday, June 3, 2013

Bathed in Prayer

     One of the most memorable moments in history is found in the book of Esther in Chapter Five.  A young Jewish girl stood in the presence of a king who could on a whim take her life.  And he was not a king who put much value on life.  A picture of stability he was not.  He had just condemned a whole race of people to extinction without even bothering to ask who they were.  History tells us that he executed a whole group of his soldiers because a storm blew apart some ships they had been planning to use as a bridge.  He even took a whip to the sea because it wasn't cooperating with his plans.  Yet, Esther stepped into his presence willingly.  She was not relying on her beauty.  She had been fasting for three days.  She was not relying on his favor; he hadn't even spoken to her for a month.  Where then did the courage come from?  The answer is simple, yet profound.  She stood before him bathed in prayer.  Her "father" and his friends had been praying and fasting for her three days that she might gain the king's acceptance.  She and her friends had been doing the same.  She had humbled herself before her God and cried out for His protection.  She went into the presence of a king resting in the arms of the King of Kings.
     We, too, can do that every day.  It is a tragedy and a travesty that we don't.  Those we love can do that every day if we just take the time to come into our God's presence on their behalf.  He pleads with us to cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us.  Perhaps it is because we do not think that He really cares.  Doesn't the cross make a mockery of such doubt and hesitation?  How then will you stand today?  Supported and upheld by the King of Kings who loves you with every ounce of His infinite love?  Or will you stand today in your pride and self-reliance?  How will those you love stand today?  And it's not like you have to have their permission to pray for them.
     Esther stood bathed in prayer.  And a king responded.  And a people were rescued.  And the King was glorified.  Prayer is simply letting Him love you as deeply as He desires to do so.  Pray.  Embrace His love.

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