Monday, June 3, 2013


     One of the things that reveals our heart is our attitude toward giving; for, as Paul told the church at Corinth, the greatest givers were those who had already given themselves to God.  Once they had done that, giving to others in need was one of the deep desires of their heart.  The asked to give; they didn't have to be asked.
     And God asks us to give because of love not because we feel compelled to do so.  He tells us not to give out of compulsion but to give out of a cheerful heart.  Cheerful givers are the ones who delight God's heart.  And we are asked to give because we are willing to die for our brothers and sisters in Christ, willing to lay down our life for theirs.  And that begins with a willingness to give of our stuff to their needs.  We are called to place the needs of other Christians above our own personal wants.  Not that we are not responsible for the needs of our families.  Paul says that to not meet their needs is to deny the faith, to be worse than an infidel.  And our family should include all those in our extended families--widows, single moms, and so on.  But after we have met their needs, God tells us to meet the needs of other believers, members of our spiritual family.  And as God prospers us, it shouldn't stop there.  Jesus didn't tell us "the poor you have always with you" so that we could resign ourselves that helping them was useless, but so that we would recognize that we will always have an opportunity to help others.  An opportunity we should take full advantage of.
     Such giving creates an attitude of thanksgiving toward God.  Such giving within the body of Christ reaffirms to the world that God's love is at work in His people.  Such giving outside the "body" shows the world that God loves them.    And hearts of gratitude motivate us to respond in loving obedience to Him who supplies all our needs.  It also allows us to rest in His love for us as our heavenly Father.
     Yes, it's all about the heart.  Those who have truly dedicated themselves to Him are givers.  They do not have to be asked.  They are constantly looking for opportunities to pass on His love to others in need beginning with the household of God.  They do not think "I wants."  They think "who can I help?"  And remember, the person who gives the widow's mite from a heart of love gives more than the one who gives a million dollars out of compulsion or out of a desire for recognition.  And vice-versa by the way.  You will find a "heart of gold" in the one who loves God so much that he can't help loving others with his stuff.

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