Thursday, June 13, 2013

Taking Responsibility

One of the traits of real character is taking responsibility for your failures. Yet, we often follow in the footsteps of Adam and Eve and place the blame on someone else--or even God. After all, Adam said, "the woman that YOU gave me" caused me to disobey. Nothing is more cowardly than to place the blame on others for the choices you make. It is the way of the world to deny responsibility. And doing that, I believe, is often worse than the sin itself. David committed two horrible sins: adultery and murder; and yet, he is called a "man after God's own heart." How does that work you ask? When David was confronted with his sin, his heart was broken, and he accepted full responsibility for the choices he made--there was no blaming anyone else, not Bathsheba or Job or anyone. And he certainly didn't blame God. "Against You, and You only have I sinned." He also accepted the consequences for his sin. He was not a man of weak character, but a man after God's own heart. A man of strength and devotion to God, even when confronted with his sin. The choice is obvious: will you be like Adam or like David? Being imperfect, you will fail. The test of your character will be what you do after your failure.

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